Civil Rights
What's New
- DOT updated Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Final Rule (April 2024)
- Eligible Transit Vehicle Manufacturer DBE List
- DOT Final Rule Establishing Accessibility Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (December 2024)
- U.S. Department of Justice Final Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps (June 2024)
The Office of Civil Rights supports mobility and economic development in America’s communities by promoting nondiscriminatory and accessible public transit through education and industry oversight. The office provides technical assistance and training and conducts compliance reviews, complaint investigations, and grant recipient program plan reviews to ensure transit providers fulfill the requirements of civil rights laws, including the following:
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program
- Equal Employment Opportunity program