Community Organization Webinar and Regional Office Hours
FTA held a webinar and a series or regional office hours to provide community-based organizations a better understanding of FTA’s programs, oversight, and technical assistance resources. The webinar provided organizations that support local public transportation initiatives, bicycling and pedestrian safety, and complete streets projects with a deeper understanding of federal resources. The regional office hours offered participants the chance to share their experiences and feedback with FTA staff and leaders.
Understanding Federal Roles, Programs, and Resources to Support Transit
Thursday, April 13, 2023
This webinar highlighted FTA’s mission, programs, and role in local transit-supportive projects for transit advocates, community organizations, civic associations and nonprofits interested in pursuing federal transit funding, with a focus on:
- FTA funding programs
- Federal and local government roles
- Funding eligibility requirements
- Oversight of public transportation agencies
- Priorities under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act