Webinar: Transportation Planning Information Exchange
This webinar will provide more information about Performance Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) requirements and implementation timelines. Hosted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty and FTA’s Office of Planning and Environment, the webinar will offer an information exchange by presenters who will share how they are coordinating and collaborating with partners such as state Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations and transit operators on PBPP, sharing the latest information and best practices to ensure consistency nationwide when implementing these requirements.
Speakers include:
- Brandon Buckner and Harlan Miller, FHWA Office of Planning
- Dwayne Weeks, FTA Office of Planning
- Jeff Harris, Utah Department of Transportation
- Ted Knowlton, Wasatch Front Regional Council
- G.J. LaBonty, Utah Transit Authority; Karen Miller, Missouri Department of Transportation
- Elisa Hoekwater, Macatawa (MI) Area Coordinating Council
The presentations will be followed by a question and answer discussion.