FTA Library - Reports & Miscellaneous
The following topics are presented in this Library page:
- Agreements
- Annual report
- Appropriations reports
- Award or honor
- Circular
- Drug & alcohol testing results annual report
- Funding recommendations
- News update
- Org chart
- Oversight
- Policy Letter
- Presentation
- Report
- Reports to Congress
- Research publication
- Testimony
- Transcript
- Transit Safety & Security: Statistics & Analysis annual report (formerly SAMIS)
Name | Topic | Publication Date | Description |
Organization Chart | Org Chart | 12-19-11 | FTA contact flow chart. |
2011 Tribal Tansit Project Descriptions Table (PDF) | Funding Recommendations | 12-01-11 | Tribal Transit Program discretionary projects recommended for funding. |
Region I Org Chart (MS Word) | Org Chart | 04-18-11 | Region 1: Organization Chart. |
Charlotte Risk Assessment Presentation (PowerPoint) | Meeting,Presentation | 03-24-11 | Complete breakdown of risks associated with the South Corridor light rail project. |
FY 2011 Master Agreement (PDF) | Agreements | 11-17-10 | Tribal transit master agreement. |
APPENDIX A Fiscal Year 2011 Annual List of Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit Administration Grants and Cooperative Agreements (PDF) | Agreements | 10-29-10 | Description of how 49 U.S.C. 5323(n) applies to FTA assistance programs |
Sample Agreements: FY 2011 Master Agreement (PDF) | Agreements | 10-08-10 | Sample FTA master agreement. |
FY 2011 Master Agreement (MS Word) | Agreements | 10-06-10 | Tribal transit master agreement. |
FY 2010 Triennial Review Workshops Top Areas of Findings for FY2009 (PowerPoint) | Report,Workshop | 10-01-10 | Fiscal year 2010 triennial review workshop top area findings of 2009 presentation. |
Appendix B: Financial Capacity Documents (PDF) | Agreements | 10-01-10 | FTA mater agreement attachment. |
TRACS Transcript - (09/10/2010) (PDF) | Transcript | 09-10-10 | TRACS Meeting transcript. |
TRACS Transcript - (09/09/2010) (PDF) | Transcript | 09-09-10 | TRACS meeting transcript. |
Transit Asset Management Practices: A National and International Review (PDF) | Annual Report | 08-24-10 | A national and international review of transit asset management practices. |
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Announces New Transit Rail Advisory Committee for Safety (MS Word) | News Update,Rail Transit Vehicles and Systems,Safety | 06-23-10 | Panel is charged with laying the groundwork for drafting national safety measures for rail transit. |
National SGR Assessment (PDF) | Report | 06-01-10 | Report outlining the nation SGR among transit agencies. |
National SGR Study (PDF) | Annual Report | 06-01-10 | National transit agency assessment of the state of good repair. |
April 2010 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | Information Sheet,Research Publication | 05-04-10 | Complete update for 2010 on all current FTA research programs. |
Evaluation of Ultra-Clean Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Fuel in Transit Bus Applications (PDF) | Report | 04-08-10 | Final report for the FT diesel fuel evaluation program. |
Transit Operations Decision Support System (TODSS) Core Requirements Evaluation and Update Recommendations Report (PDF) | Report | 04-06-10 | TODSS core requirements evaluation and update recommendations. |
FTA releases Audit of the Tri-State Oversight Committee and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (PDF) | Report | 03-04-10 | FTA audit of the tri-state oversight comittee and the WMATA. |
January - February 2010 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | News Update | 03-03-10 | January - February 2010 transit research and industry news update for the FTA. |
FY 2010 Financial Management Oversight Seminar Overview (PDF) | Oversight,Seminar | 01-25-10 | Description of the seminar purpose and who should attend as well as things that will be discussed. |
December 2009 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | News Update | 01-15-10 | Transit research update detailing the research done by FTA in 2009. |
November 2009 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | News Update | 12-07-09 | FTA 2009 transit research update. |
October 2009 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | News Update | 11-10-09 | FTA 2009 transit research update. |
FY 2010 FTA Program Updates and ARRA Phase II Presentation (PDF) | Presentation,Proposal Profile,Report | 11-06-09 | FTA region IV fiscal year 2010 updates and ARRA phase II presentation. |
Miami Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA) Project Phase 1A – Transit Evaluation Report (PDF) | Report | 11-01-09 | Miami UPA project Phase 1 report. |
East Tennessee Hydrogen Initiative - Chattanooga (PDF) | Report | 10-15-09 | ETHI program report to advance the understanding and use of hydrogen in public transit. |
The EmX Franklin Corridor: BRT Project Evaluation (PDF) | Report | 10-12-09 | LTD BRT evaluation and expasion recommendation. |
September 2009 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | Report | 10-07-09 | 2009 FTA transit research update. |
Collision Safety Improvements for Light Rail Vehicles Operating in Shared Right of Way Street Environments (PDF) | Report | 09-30-09 | Improving safety standards for vehicles |
Electronic Fare Collection Options for Commuter Railroads (PDF) | Report | 09-30-09 | Study detailing how EPS systems might be implemented fr commuter railroads. |
Highlights of FTA's Impact on Public Transportation (PDF) | Report | 09-16-09 | FTA presentation on transportation development. |
August 2009 Transit Research and Industry News Update (PDF) | News Update | 09-14-09 | Outlines various publications and information released during 2009 for the FTA |
Remote Infrared Audible Signage (RIAS) Pilot Program (PDF) | Report | 09-01-09 | Evalutation report of RIAS pilot program. |
A Transit Methodology Using Six Sigma For Heavy Rail Vehicle Maintenance Programs (PDF) | eport | 08-31-09 | Maintenance Program information. |
July 2009 Transit Research Update (MS Word) | Report,Reports to Congress,Research Publication | 08-05-09 | 2009 FTA reseach update. |
Administrator Rogoff's Hearing on Rail Modernization (PDF) | Rail Transit Vehicles and Systems,Transcript | 08-03-09 | Administrator provides testimony to Congress. |
Moving Cooler: An Analysis of Transportation Strategies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF) | Annual Report,Report,Research Publication | 07-24-09 | Executive summary detailing strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
Washington State Ferries Wireless Connection High-Speed Data Project (PDF) | Report | 07-09-09 | WSF HSD project funded by FTA. |
June 2009 Transit Research Update (MS Word) | Report | 06-24-09 | 2009 transit research update. |
Profiles of 511 Traveler Information Services (2009) (MS Word) | Guidelines,Report | 06-23-09 | 511 infomration update for 2009 coverage and cost. |
Feasibility Study on the Use of Personal GPS Devices in Paratransit (PDF) | Information Sheet,Report | 05-27-09 | Report detailing the pros and cons to GPS devices in paratransit. |
United We Ride/Mobility Services for All Americans Joint Demonstration (South Carolina) (PDF) | Report | 05-20-09 | UWR/MSAA joint demonstration phase 1. |
May 2009 Transit Research Update (MS Word) | Report | 05-20-09 | 2009 transit research update. |
Low-Speed Urban Maglev Research Program - Lessons Learned (2009) (PDF) | Report | 05-08-09 | Final report from the UML transit department focusing on lessons learned. |
April 2009 Transit Research Update (MS Word) | Information Sheet,Report,Research Publication | 05-07-09 | Complete update for 2009 on all current FTA research programs. |
Demonstration of Enhanced Transportation Models: Phase I – System Development and Design (Atlanta, Georgia) (PDF) | Report | 04-29-09 | Details about system development and design that will improve public transit. |
Operational Test for the Implementation of Advanced Technologies in Rural Transit Service (Final Report) (PDF) | Report | 04-28-09 | Final evaluation and final report for the ECC. |
Rail Modernization Study Report (PDF) | Report,Reports to Congress | 04-27-09 | Report to congress involving rail modernization. |
Rail Modernization Study: Report to Congress (PDF) | Report,Reports to Congress | 04-27-09 | Report to congress with results of a study on rail modernization. |
Day 1 - Lunch - ARRA (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | FTA ARRA presentation and introduction |
Day 1 - PM - Intercity Bus Program (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | FTA intercity transit program overview. |
Day 2 - AM - FY 2009 Grant Making Procedures (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | Fiscal year 2009 grant making dealine and procedure recap. |
Day 2 - AM - Connecting Communities (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | onnectiong communities and emergency reporting FTA region IV presnetation. |
Day 2 - AM - Civil Rights (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | FTA civil rights and ARRA 2009 programs presentation |
Day 1 - Lunch - ARRA - Kentucky (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | Kentucy ARRA project slection and continuing fund processes |
Day 2 - AM - State Management Review and Oversight (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | State management review fiscal year 2008 and beyond. |
Day 1 - AM - Beyond the Recession - Mississippi (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | The effects of the recession in Mississippi and the measures the state is taking to counteract them. |
2009 Success in Enhancing Ridership Awards (PDF) | Award or Honor | 04-16-09 | 2009 Awards Ceremony was on May 4, 2009 at the APTA Bus and Paratransit Conference in Seattle, Washington. |
Day 1 - AM - Beyond the Recession - Kentucky (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | The effects of the recession in Kentucky as well as the measure the state is taking to counteract the effects. |
Day 1 - AM - State DOT Atlanta Meeting_April 2009 - Welcome and Beyond the Recession (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | Schedule of events and guidelines for state recession presentations. |
Day 1 - AM - Beyond the Recession - South Carolina (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | The effects of the recession in South Carlina and the measures the state is taking to counteract them. |
Day 1 - PM - FTA Tracking and Transferring Funding (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-16-09 | Tracking and transferring funding presentation. |
Day 2 - AM - Grants Management (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-15-09 | Grant mangement reporting and close outs. |
Region IV State Programs Team Meeting Agenda - Atlanta, GA - April 2009 (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-15-09 | FTA state programs meeting final agenda. |
Day 1 - PM - Intercity Bus Consultation Letter (PDF) | Meeting,Presentation | 04-09-09 | RIPTA letter confirming that the intercity bus needs are met. |
March 2009 Transit Research Update (MS Word) | News Update | 04-02-09 | 2009 transit research update. |
UWR/MSAA Demonstration of Coordinated Human Service Transportation Models: Phase 1 - System Development and Design M-ITS: Mart's Integrated Traveler Services (Massachusetts) (PDF) | Report | 03-26-09 | Fianl report for the UWR/MSAA demonstration of coordinated human service transit models. |
Demonstration of Enhanced Human Service Transportation Models: Phase 1 - System Development and Design: The Purchase Area Regional Travel Management Coordination Center (TMCC) (PDF) | Report | 03-23-09 | This report provides a review of the policy, operations, technical design, and development of the Purchase Area fo TMCC for western Kentucky. |
January - February 2009 Transit Research Update (MS Word) | News Update | 03-03-09 | January - February 2009 transit research update for all FTA research projects. |
Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making (2009) (PDF) | Report,Research Publication | 02-09-09 | CBRT report was prepared to provide transportation decision makers with information and data to support the development of bus rapid transit concepts |
FY 2009 – FY 2013 (PDF) | Report | 01-16-09 | FTA multi-year research program plan. |
Multi-Year Program Plan (FY 2009-2013) (PDF) | Research Publication | 01-16-09 | FTA multi year research program. |
Report on the Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program (PDF) | Reports to Congress | 01-02-09 | Tramission letter and report on the JARC FTA program. |
Report on the Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program (MS Word) | Reports to Congress | 01-02-09 | Transmission letter and report on the JARC FTA program. |