U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $84 Million Funding Opportunity for Technologically Advanced Transit Buses
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) today announced the opportunity for its grantees to apply for up to $84.45 million in competitive grant funds through FTA’s Low or No Emission (Low-No) Bus Program. The Low-No Program supports projects sponsored by local transit agencies to bring advanced, American-made bus technologies such as battery electric power and hydrogen fuel cells into service nationwide.
"One of Secretary Chao’s priorities is preparing for the future by engaging with new technologies to ensure safety, without hampering innovation," said FTA Acting Administrator K. Jane Williams. "The Low-No Program is an opportunity for transit agencies to utilize next-generation technologies as part of their bus systems while promoting American innovation and manufacturing."
FTA will award the grants to eligible recipients, which include public transit agencies, state transportation departments, and tribes on a competitive basis. Projects will be evaluated by criteria defined in federal law and in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), including the applicant’s demonstration of need; the project’s benefits; project implementation strategy; and capacity for implementing the project.
The application deadline is June 18, 2018.
Federal public transportation law authorizes FTA to solicit proposals through the competitive Low-No program at a funding level of $55 million per year. The FY18 solicitation includes an additional $29.45 million in additional funds appropriated by Congress in the FY18 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Omnibus).