Central Corridor Light Rail Transit
Project Overview
The Central Corridor Light Rail Transit project is an 11-mile, double-track, at-grade LRT line that extends from downtown St. Paul, to downtown Minneapolis via the existing Washington Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River and a new viaduct over Interstate 35 West in Minneapolis to Washington Avenue. The current bridge would be rehabilitated to accommodate the LRT line. Eighteen stations would be built. Thirty-one light rail vehicles (LRV) would be procured. An operations and maintenance facility would be built in downtown St. Paul. The project's western terminus in Minneapolis would be the existing Intermodal Station at the Minnesota Twins Ball Park (Target Field). The Union Depot (currently under renovation) in downtown St. Paul would be the project's eastern terminus. The CCLRT line would share approximately 1.2 miles of existing track, including five stations, with the Hiawatha LRT line in Minneapolis. At the current Downtown East/Metrodome station in Minneapolis, the CCLRT line would diverge from the Hiawatha line and head east. Through a connection with the existing Hiawatha LRT line the CCLRT line would be linked - via a transfer to the Hiawatha line - to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Mall of America. The CCLRT line would also provide a direct link to the Northstar commuter rail line – via the Target Field station.
The project scope also includes traction power substations, real estate acquisition, utility relocations, civil work for the trackway along 9.8 miles of new right-of-way, an interlocking to connect the CCLRT line to the Hiawatha LRT line, procurement and installation of necessary signal system elements, environmental mitigation, startup and testing for revenue service, and other ancillary elements necessary to achieve project implementation. No park-and-ride facilities will be built as part of the project.
Upon opening in December 2014, the LRT line will operate weekdays at 7.5-minute frequencies during peak periods and 10-minute frequencies during midday periods. Early morning and evening service would be at 15-minute frequencies and late-night service would be at 30-minute frequencies. Weekend service will operate at frequencies ranging between 10 minutes and 15 minutes. In 2030, the CCLRT line's planned operating frequencies (weekdays and weekends) would be the same as those in the opening year (2014).
Project Links
Here is a link that provides a simulation of the project once completed: http://www.metrocouncil.org/transportation/ccorridor/video/RouteSimulations.htm
The following link provides details on the project: http://metrocouncil.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=555