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Region 9 Staff Directory

Los Angeles

Office of the Regional Administrator
Ray Tellis Regional Administrator 415-734-9471
Amy Changchien Deputy Regional Administrator 415-734-9455
James (Jim) Baxmeyer Administrative Officer - Southern California Office 415-734-9474
Southern California Office
Charlene Lee Lorenzo Director 213-202-3952
Russell (Rusty) Whisman Team Leader, Transportation Program Specialist 213-202-3956
Stacy Alameida Team Leader, Transportation Program Specialist (IPA) 213-202-3953
Nicholas (Nick) Hernandez Transportation Program Specialist 415-734-9458
Bryce Steeves Transportation Program Specialist 202-366-3204
Mahilet Amare Team Leader, General Engineer 213-629-8610
Luis Lopez General Engineer 213-629-8615
Anh-Huy Nguyen Contract Specialist (Contractor)  
Anthony (Tony) Belleau Transportation Program Specialist 202-366-6250
Samuel (Sam) Diaz General Engineer 202-366-3057
Ryan Fujii General Engineer 202-748-0677
Office of Planning and Program Development
Mary Nguyen Director 213-202-3960
Mervin Acebo Team Leader, Community Planner 213-202-3957
Michelle Ruan Community Planner 202-366-3186
Phil Yue Transportation Program Specialist - Tribal 415-734-9476
Kathleen ("KC") Kelly Environmental Protection Specialist 415-734-9469
Jessica ("JJ") Wilkinson Environmental Protection Specialist 213-757-5998

San Francisco

Office of the Regional Administrator
Edward (Ed) Carranza, Jr. Senior Advisor 405-202-6469
Tou Xiong Administrative Officer - Bay Area Office 415-734-9457
HQ Office of the Chief Counsel in Region 9
Martia Fox Regional Counsel  
Forrest Graham Assistant Regional Counsel  
HQ Office of Civil Rights in Region 9
Karin Vosgueritchian Regional Civil Rights Officer 415-734-9475
Bay Area Office
Murat Omay Director 415-734-9468
Alexander Smith Team Leader, Community Planner 415-734-9472
Chu Wei Team Leader, General Engineer 415-734-9481
Catherine Luu General Engineer 415-734-9467
Susan Ko General Engineer 415-734-9462
Andrew Bell, Jr. Contract Specialist (Contractor)  
Office of Financial Management and Program Oversight
Darin Allan Director 415-734-9470
Philoki Barros Team Leader, Transportation Program Specialist 415-734-9452
Amitra Mamdouhi Team Leader, Transportation Program Specialist 415-734-9453
Elliot Sperling Transportation Program Specialist 415-734-9466
Bryce Fauble Transportation Program Specialist 415-734-9482
Elba Lira-Martinez Grants Management Specialist 415-734-9463


Shared Email Account Purpose For Region 9 to receive general inquiries not covered by any of the other specific-topic email boxes (below). For Region 9 to receive auditing firms’ requests for recipient fiscal year (FY) award funds disbursements information, in support of recipient Single Audits. For Region 9 Local Security Managers (LSM) to receive and respond to recipient User Manager requests.

1. To receive and respond to state departments of transportation funds transfer confirmation requests.

2. To receive FHWA Division Office approvals (signed FHWA Form 1575 and supporting documentation). For recipients – for whom FTA is the federal cognizant agency for indirect costs – to submit Cost Allocation Plans (CAP), Indirect Cost Rate Proposals (ICRP), and De Minimis Rate Election Notifications. For Region 9 Local Security Managers (LSM) to receive and respond to recipient User Manager requests. For Region 9 to send and receive recipient responses to Management Decision Notices (MDN). For Designated Recipients to send their suballocation/split letters. For Region 9 Local Security Managers (LSM) to receive and respond to recipient User Manager requests. For Region 9 to communicate with 5307 recipients all information related to preparing for Triennial and State Management Reviews, including Recipient Information Requests (RIR), workshops, scheduling, etc.