Fiscal Year 2020 CARES Act Supplemental Public Transportation Apportionments and Allocations
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides $25 billion to transit agencies to help to prevent, prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The total available amount for each program is based on funding appropriated under the Act.
Table 1: CARES Act Appropriations and Apportionments for Grant Programs
Table 2: Section 5307 Urbanized Area Apportionments
Table 3: Section 5311 Rural Area Apportionments
Table 4: Public Transportation on Indian Reservations
Table 5: Formula Programs Apportionment Data Unit Values
Table 6: Section 5307, Section 5340 and Section 5337 Apportionments
Table 7: Section 5311 and Section 5340 Urbanized Area Apportionments
CARES Act Formula Apportionments by State
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