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Fiscal Year 2021 FOIA Log

Received between 10/01/2020 and 09/30/2021
Request ID Received Date Requester Name Organization Request Description
FTA-2021-0001 10/6/2020 Ravnitzky, Michael - Copy of the Safety Data Management Strategic Action Plan.
FTA-2021-0002 10/6/2020 Matthews, Ellen Burr Forman LLP Copies of e-mail communications between June 1, m2015 and March 31, 2019 received by various FTA employees regarding the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority.
FTA-2021-0003 10/8/2020 Palmerson, Joseph Law Office of Karen Lawrence Copy of a New York City bus video from July 17, 2019 which depicts a 3 vehicle motor vehicle accident.
FTA-2021-0004 10/8/2020 Gumz, J. - Copy of the grant application by the Tahoe Transportation District for NV-2020-016.
FTA-2021-0005 10/13/2020 Weise, Landry HR&A Advisors, Inc. Copies of the 24 Transit Oriented Development Planning grants that were awarded for FY19.
FTA-2021-0006 10/13/2020 Solomon, Sophie USC Gould School of Law Copy of $30.2 million grant to the Golden Gate Bridge Transportation District.
FTA-2021-0007 10/13/2020 Blake, Shaun Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC Copies of various documents associated with the City of Rock Hill, SC's Low-No Program grant.
FTA-2021-0008 10/14/2020 Aronson, Michael New York Daily News Copies of documents submitted by New Jersey Transit on or about September 18, 2020 in applying for Section 5309 CIG FFGA for the Portal North Bridge Project.
FTA-2021-0009 10/19/2020 Brinner, Kristin Surfrider Foundation Copy of DOT's response or decision on a NEP Categorical Exclusion Request submitted by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDBAG) for the Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization Project.
FTA-2021-0010 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of all administrative closures, letters of resolution, and letters of finding issued by TCR during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0011 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of all Title VI complaints and the response thereto during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0012 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests to TCR for ADA technical assistance and responses thereto during September, 2020.
FTA-2021-0013 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all requests to TCR for Title VI technical assistance and responses thereto during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0014 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0015 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0016 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all plans for commuter rail platform construction and TCR's response thereto during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0017 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all messages sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0018 10/22/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for information on the reasonable modification rule and responses thereto during September 2020.
FTA-2021-0019 10/23/2020 Geary, Maureen City of Quincy, MA Copy of the grant application for the FY20 Passenger Ferry Grant Program that was submitted by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.
FTA-2021-0020 10/23/2020 Moore, Elizabeth - Copy of the 2008 Preliminary Draft EIS for MTA's Long Island RR Main Line Corridor Improvement (MLC), Third Track Project and FTA's related review.
FTA-2021-00205 8/23/2021 Schetky, David Schetkys Northwest Sales, Inc. Copy of an e-mail list of contacts for each transit agency that is either FTA funding approved and/or for agencies listed in the NTD.
FTA-2021-00206 8/26/2021 Kowalski, Thomas Urban Transportation Associates Inc. NTD Data
FTA-2021-00207 8/26/2021 Lacey, Latrice - Copy of the last5 two City of Davenport/Citibus Title VI Program Plans.
FTA-2021-00208 9/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response thereto during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021)
FTA-2021-00209 9/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021)
FTA-2021-0021 10/26/2020 Holguin, Danielle Virginkar & Associates, Inc. Copies of the winning proposals for DOT/FTA RFP No. 69319519R000001 2019 Project Management Oversight.
FTA-2021-00210 9/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021)
FTA-2021-00211 9/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title IV related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021)
FTA-2021-00212 9/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021)
FTA-2021-00213 9/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Administrator during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021)
FTA-2021-00214 9/13/2021 Krueger, Sydney Ktc Copy of the LowNo grant application filed by the Center for Transportation and the Environment for a hydrogen fueling facility for Bakersfield GET Transit.
FTA-2021-00215 9/13/2021 Micovic, Andrej Hunton Andrews Kurth, LLP Copies of correspondence in the last 18 months between Miami-Dade County and the FTA in connection with Miami-Dade Contract No. RFP-00152.
FTA-2021-00216 9/27/2021 Gena, Andrew Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL-CIO/CLC Copy of the grant applications submitted by the Tennessee OT for CARES Act 5311(f) Intercity Bus Funding.
FTA-2021-00217 9/27/2021 Latief, Nawreen Delerme Group Copy of a proposal related contract award DTFT6006F00041 from Destiny Management Services.
FTA-2021-00218 9/27/2021 Newman, David Union Pacific Railroad Company opies of various documents related to Railroad Bridges located on Union Pacific's Coast Subdivision at Mile Post 48.89.
FTA-2021-00219 9/29/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during September 2021.
FTA-2021-0022 10/30/2020 Lebrun, Roland - Copies of all PMOC reports since December 2019 for the Peninsula Corridor Caltrain Electrification Program.
FTA-2021-00220 9/29/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's responses thereto during September 2021.
FTA-2021-00221 9/29/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR personnel during September 2021.
FTA-2021-00222 9/29/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during September 2021.
FTA-2021-00223 9/29/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of plans for commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during September 031.
FTA-2021-00224 9/29/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of e-mails sent to all employees by the Administrator during September 2021.
FTA-2021-0023 11/3/2020 Surowiecki, Jake Glenn Springs Holdings, Inc. Copies of various permits issued for the North Portal Bridge Project.
FTA-2021-0024 11/10/2020 MilNeil, Christian StreetsblogMASS Copies of any and all correspondence between the FTA and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) regarding the FTA-funded "Harvard Busway" project during the 2019 and 2020 calendar years.
FTA-2021-0025 11/16/2020 Watkins, Sean San Francisco State University Requested the annual salaries of the Deputy Administrator and the Executive Assistant.
FTA-2021-0026 11/16/2020 Edgington, Terry - Copies of the FOIA Log from January 1, 2019 through December 30, 2019.
FTA-2021-0027 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0028 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI complaints and TRC's responses thereto during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0029 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related written requests for technical assistance and TCR's responses thereto during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0030 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sifd Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related written requests for technical assistance and TCR's responses thereto during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0031 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0032 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0033 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of plans for rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0034 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0035 11/16/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all requests regarding the ADA reasonable modification rule and TCR's responses thereto during October 2020.
FTA-2021-0036 11/18/2020 Alvarez, Erik Erik Alexander Alvarez, P.A. Copies of off public records related to traffic signals at the intersection of Interstate 95, NW 62 Street in Miami Florida from Miami-Dade County for April 7-9, 2020.
FTA-2021-0037 11/19/2020 Geronimus, Aiden Jobs to Move America Copies of all Buy America compliance documents associated with bus or rail procurements during the last ten years.
FTA-2021-0038 11/19/2020 Sommerfeldt, Chris New York Daily News Copies of all internal DOT communications regarding the Hudson River Gateway Project in New York and New Jersey dating between January 1, 2017 and the present.
FTA-2021-0039 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0040 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's responses thereto during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0041 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of written requests for ADA related technical assistance and TCR's responses thereto during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0042 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related requests for technical assistance and responses thereto by TCR during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0043 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0044 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0045 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Pub;lications, Inc. Copies of all plans related to commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0046 12/1/2020 Goldsatein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0047 12/1/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all requests related to the reasonable modifications rule and TCR's response thereto during November 2020.
FTA-2021-0048 11/30/2020 Hulac, Ben CQ Roll Call Copies of all FTA briefing materials prepared for the incoming administration under the Presidential Transition Act.
FTA-2021-0049 12/1/2020 Wehrman, Jessica CQ Roll Call Copies of all briefing materials for the incoming administration under the Presidential Transition Act.
FTA-2021-0050 12/7/2020 Ravnitzky, Michael - Copies of seven TSO documents related to transit safety.
FTA-2021-0051 12/7/2020 Ralls, John Ralls Gruber & Neice Copy of FFG for the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority for the Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Project.
FTA-2021-0052 12/7/2020 Stolzfus, Jarrett PROTERRA List of Low-No award recipients.
FTA-2021-0053 12/7/2020 Geronimus, Aiden Jobs to Move America Copy for FTA's procedures for collection and retention of Buy America information.
FTA-2021-0054 12/7/2020 Hobbs, Rosetta - Information related to a TIGER grant to the City of Goldsboro and related audits.
FTA-2021-0055 12/7/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0107 and related material.
FTA-2021-0056 12/7/2020 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of Complaints 21-0048, 21-0051 and 21-0052 and related materials.
FTA-2021-0057 12/21/2020 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy or printout of FTA's You Tube page which shows nonpublic videos on the agency's You Tube account.
FTA-2021-0058 12/22/2020 Rhodes, James Rhodes Consulting Copies of communications between FTA an the Rhode Island Department of Transportation regarding development of Kennedy Plaza in Providence RI.
FTA-2021-0059 12/29/2020 Undraitis, Edward - Copy of the footage of a shooting at the Pace Terminal facility in Harvey, IL on 5-14-2020.
FTA-2021-0060 1/4/2021 Ravnitzky, Michael - Copy of the transition briefing documents prepared by FTA for the incoming Biden administration.
FTA-2021-0061 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0062 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response thereto during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0063 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related written requests for technical assistance and TCR's response thereto during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0064 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. opies of all Title I written requests for technical assistance and TCR's response thereto during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0065 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0066 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0067 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of plans for commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0068 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0069 1/4/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related written requests regarding the reasonable modification rule and TCR's responses thereto during December 2020.
FTA-2021-0070 1/8/2021 Clyde, Rob LMC Industrial Contractors, Inc. Copies of all pricing forms dated on or before December 4, 2020 for the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority Procurement No. 036-020 from the following contractors:  Danforth, Emcore/Betlem, Johnson Controls, Monroe Piping and Sheet Metal and Siemens Industry..
FTA-2021-0071 1/11/2021 Schreier, Lillian Gannett Fleming Copy of the Gannett Fleming Audit Report for overhead rates on Contract DTFT60-15-D-00007 and Contract 69319519D000023.
FTA-2021-0072 1/11/2021 Ravnitzky, Michael - Copy of FTA's FOIA Logs for 2010 through 2020.
FTA-2021-0073 1/13/2021 Lebrun, Roland - Regard the Santa Clara VTA Project, copies of: 1) Copy of the application including all supporting documents and 2) Copies of all written communications between the FTA and the VTA since project initiation.
FTA-2021-0074 1/19/2021 Brown-Mason, Kimberly - Copies of correspondence and information regarding the requester.
FTA-2021-0075 1/19/2021 Allen, Grace - Copy of traffic camera footage from a traffic stoplight. The intersection is in Chicago, Illinois. The intersection is Broadway and Berwyn on Saturday, December 19th. The specific time would be between 11:00am-11:30am CST.
FTA-2021-0076 1/19/2021 Lopez, Daniel Pearson Doyle Mohre & Pastis, LLP Copies of the current contract, the technical and cost proposals, and related documents, submitted in response to RFP S-20-03 from the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority.
FTA-2021-0077 1/21/2021 Ravnitzky, Michael - Copy of each email in the email accounts of each person in the Federal Transit Administration Office of Communications and Congressional Affairs which contains ANY of the following words: CAPITAL, CAPITOL, POLICE, ATTACK, MOB, VIOLENCE, or TRUMP. I limit this request to emails on January 6 and January 7th.
FTA-2021-0078 1/21/2021 Goldwyn, Eric New York University Copy of the final PMO report for Phase 1 of the Second Avenue Subway. I have been able to find the monthly reports online, but I was told that there is a final report that was published 6 months after the completion of the project that was available.
FTA-2021-0079 1/22/2021 Payton, Abraham Due Diligence Group, LLC Copies of correspondence between former Acting Administrator Jane Williams a nd Executive Director Matt Welbes and the Office of Rep. Pete Stauber between January 3, 2019 AND January 22, 2021.
FTA-2021-0080 1/22/2021 Payton, Abraham Due Diligence Group, LLC Copies of all correspondence between Region 5 Regional Administrator and/or her staff and the Office of Rep. Pete Stauber between January 3, 2019 and January 22, 2021.
FTA-2021-0081 1/26/2021 Maroulis, Michael University of California, Berkley School of Law Copies of all Project Management Oversight Contractor (PMOC) reports for the VTA/BART Silicon Valley Phase 1 project from 2012 to the present.
FTA-2021-0082 2/8/2021 Dorman, Mandy Dorman, Bell & Kramer, LLP Copy of a list of all full time employees, job titles, location, hire date and e-mail address.
FTA-2021-0083 2/8/2021 Blumenberg, Evelyn UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs Copies of EEO-4 employment data forms for transit agencies in 2018 and 2020 and the recent Uniform Reports of DBE Commitments Awards and Payments for the transit agencies.
FTA-2021-0084 2/11/2021 Kallas, Sarah Walsh, Knippen & Cetina Copies of four UMTA grants issued by TRO-5 during the 1980s.
FTA-2021-0085 2/12/2021 Goodrich, Ashley - Copies of various documents pertaining to Chatham Area Transit in Savannah, GA.
FTA-2021-0086 2/18/2021 Francis, Joe - Copies of all communications between FTA and WSDOT regarding Title VI programs from January 1, 2011 and the present.
FTA-2021-0087 2/23/2021 Sessen, Tim Ballard Power ystems Copy of the LowNo application filed by the Center for Transportation and the Environment awarded in 2017.
FTA-2021-0088 2/26/2021 Schilling, Rob NewsRadio WINA Copy of any audit regarding the Charlottesville Area Transit or JAUNT between January 1, 2018 and December 20, 2020.
FTA-2021-0089 3/1/2021 Gardner, Grace - Copy of the org. chart for HR and a spreadsheet showing the employees' names and employment information.
FTA-2021-0090 3/2/2021 Gannon, Jaclyn Cerussi & Gunn, P.C. Copy of all information regarding the engineer/person operating New Jersey train 6245 on the Montclair Boonton line on June 11, 2019.
FTA-2021-0091 3/2/2021 Christensen, Brock Sims Law Firm, LLP Copies of all grant applications and related information for the Washington Street Trolley Station in San Diego, CA.
FTA-2021-0092 3/5/2021 Matthews, Ellen Burr Forman LLP Copies of an e-mail sent by TRO-4 to Phyllis Goode or April Penchion between Nov. 16, 2018 and January 15, 2019, related to FOIA FY21-0002..
FTA-2021-0093 3/8/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0167 and related documents.
FTA-2021-0094 3/8/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0109 and related documents.
FTA-2021-0095 3/8/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0160.
FTA-2021-0096 3/9/2021 Shaw, Megan Cohen Weiss and Simon, LLP Copies of DOL letters attached to MTA grant applications for funds allocated in or after March 2020.
FTA-2021-0097 3/10/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related administrative closures, letters of resolution and Letters of finding issued from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.
FTA-2021-0098 3/10/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title Vi complaints and TRC's responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.
FTA-2021-0099 3/10/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.
FTA-2021-0100 3/10/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title Vi correspondence issued by various TCR employees from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.
FTA-2021-0101 3/10/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all commuter rail platform plans and TCR's responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.
FTA-2021-0102 3/10/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.
FTA-2021-0103 3/11/2021 Dombrowski, Rosanna Management Comcepts, Inc. Copies of three randomly selected grants from the Grants for Pilot Program for Expedited Project Delivery.
FTA-2021-0104 3/11/2021 Lui, Justin The Durst Organization Copies of any communications  between New York's MTA and FTA regarding MTA appraisals for 1815 and 1801 Park Ave. between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021.
FTA-2021-0105 3/11/2021 Lui, Justin The Durst Organization Copies of all documents and communica5tions between FTA and NY MTA regarding 1800, 1801 and 1815 Park Avenue between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021.
FTA-2021-0106 3/11/2021 Lui, Justin The Durst Organization Copies of any communications between FTA and NY MTA regarding MTA's condemnation appraisals relating to SAS that were either approved or disapproved between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021.
FTA-2021-0107 3/11/2021 Banks, Malcha Freeman Mathis & Gary LLP Copies of notes or recordings from a November 20, 2020, meeting between FTA and Chatham Area Transit Authority's CEO Bacarra Mauldin.
FTA-2021-0108 3/11/2021 Lui, Justin The Durst Organization Copies of communications between FTA and NY MTA regarding MYS's condemnation appraisals relating to SAS that were approved and disapproved from January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2012.
FTA-2021-0109 3/18/2021 Tempel, Brigitte - Copy of videos mentioned in a May 31, 2019, letter to FTA from Lane Transit District.
FTA-2021-0110 3/19/2021 Wilson, Colleen USA Today Network New Jersey Copy of NJ Transit's project management plan for the Portal North Bridge replacement  including progress reports.
FTA-2021-0111 3/24/2021 Rivoli, Dan NY1 Copies of e-mails from MTA regarding Central Business District Tolling, Congestion Pricing, etc. from January 1, 2019 through March 23, 2021.
FTA-2021-0112 3/25/2021 Vaccaro, Adam Boston Globe Copy of the 2015 Triannual Review of MBTA and related correspondence.
FTA-2021-0113 3/29/2021 Rajabi, Hasan - Copies of U.S. Customs and Border protection entry and exit records from 2000 to 2021.
FTA-2021-0114 3/31/2021 Wilfand, Tzur - Copy of a list of transit agencies that received funds under the American Rescue Plan.
FTA-2021-0115 4/1/2021 Lucas, Falisha CALSTART Copies of the LowNo grant applications for City of Anaheim for advanced battery electric busses and for California DOT for charging station use in Arvin, CA.
FTA-2021-0116 4/2/2021 Grube, Nick Honolulu ivil Beat Copies of correspondence between FTA and various members of Congress regarding the High Capacity Trabsit Corridor Project between January 1, 2014 to present.
FTA-2021-0117 4/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution, and letters of finding issued by TCR during March 2021.
FTA-2021-0118 4/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI complaints and responses thereto during March 2021.
FTA-2021-0119 4/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of various ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during March 2021.
FTA-2021-0120 4/6/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during March 2021.
FTA-2021-0121 4/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. opies of all plans pertaining to rail platforms and TCR's responses thereto during March 2021.
FTA-2021-0122 4/7/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by TOA during March 2021.
FTA-2021-0123 4/16/2021 Davis, Evan NYU Copies of public transit grants for towns in Middlesex County, Connecticut.
FTA-2021-0124 4/28/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0219 including attachments, if any.
FTA-2021-0125 4/28/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0246 including all attachments, if any.
FTA-2021-0126 4/30/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Pub;ications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0152 and related documents.
FTA-2021-0127 4/30/2021 Gpldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0252.
FTA-2021-0128 4/30/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0185.
FTA-2021-0129 5/3/2021 Flaherty, Doug - Copies of all environmental related documents related to the acquisition of the real property located at 771 Southwood Blvd., Incline Village, NV.
FTA-2021-0130 5/3/2021 Flaherty, Doug - Copies of grant applications and related documents submitted in 20320 and 2021 from the Nevada DOT connected to the acquisition of property located at 771 Southwood Blvd., Incline Village, NV.
FTA-2021-0131 5/3/2021 Lebrun, Roland CCSS Copies of all Caltrain PMOC Reports submitted after November 2020.
FTA-2021-0132 5/3/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TRC during April 2021.
FTA-2021-0133 5/3/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of all Title VI com-plaints and TCR's response thereto during April 2021.
FTA-2021-0134 5/3/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during April 2021.
FTA-2021-0135 5/3/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during April 2021.
FTA-2021-0136 5/3/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all rail platform plans and TCR's response there during April 2021.
FTA-2021-0137 5/3/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees  by the Acting Administrator during April 2021.
FTA-2021-0138 5/3/2021 White, Kimberly - Copy of BART's corrective actions in response to the 2008 EEO Compliance Review.
FTA-2021-0139 5/3/2021 White, Kimberly - Copy of  BART's submission to FTA for the 2012 compliance review.
FTA-2021-0140 5/3/2021 Cruz, Francisco PMAConsultants Copies of data related to bus rapid transit (BRT) projects completed from 2005 to 2021.
FTA-2021-0141 5/5/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of communications between FTA and the Memphis Area Transit Authority regarding the ADA Paratransit Review.
FTA-2021-0142 5/7/2021 Leo, Louis Attorney-at-Law Copies of the Master Agreements and Grant Agreements between FTA and New Orleans RTA from  2006 to 2021.
FTA-2021-0143 5/7/2021 Brown-Mason, Kimberly - Copies of various correspondence and records.
FTA-2021-0144 5/7/2021 Hontos, Alex Dorsey Copy of the FFGA for the Green Line Light Rail Extension between FTA and the Metropolitan Council.
FTA-2021-0145 5/12/2021 Kaplan, Matthew Kaplan Law LLC Copies of TSO communications and investigation materials regarding the Gessman master controller.
FTA-2021-0146 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-1 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0147 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-2 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0148 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-3 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0149 5/17/2021 Goldstein, sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-4 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0150 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-5 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0151 5/17/2021 Golstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-6 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0152 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-7 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0153 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-8 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0154 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-9 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0155 5/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-10 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021.
FTA-2021-0156 5/19/2021 Huhman, Lisa Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice, LLC Copy of grant application for maintenance and upgrades at railroad grade crossing in Purdy, MO.
FTA-2021-0157 5/24/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all communications between FTA and Gwinnett County Transit (GCT) related to final ADA paratransit compliance review.
FTA-2021-0158 5/27/2021 Herold, Kiana Berkeley School of Law Copies of the number of Title VI complaints and related information from 2010 to the present.
FTA-2021-0159 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0160 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's responses thereto during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0161 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0162 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by TCR during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0163 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all rail platform plans and TCR's response thereto during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0164 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by TOA during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0165 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence sent by 2 TCR employees during May 2021.
FTA-2021-0166 6/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all external e-mails to or from AA for TCR that contain the word equity between January 1, 20321 and May 31, 2021.
FTA-2021-0167 6/7/2021 Emeric, Elmer Colectivo Somos Mas Que 100x35 Questions regarding and copies of federal funds disbursed to ATM or Puerto Rico's DOT.
FTA-2021-0168 6/8/2021 Flora, Rachael The Savannahan Copy of the transcript of the November 20, 2020 meeting between Chatham Area Transit and the FTA.
FTA-2021-0169 6/9/2021 Kelly, Amy XAQT Copy of the contract awarded under RFP Cognitive IVR and BPO dated January 18, 2021.
FTA-2021-0170 6/14/2021 Weinstock, Charles - Copies of various documents related to the Gateway Program, Penn Station and Surrounding Redevelopment.
FTA-2021-0171 6/14/2021 Scherber, Lynette - Questions regarding Bille Bus in Minnesota.
FTA-2021-0172 6/15/2021 Rifkind, Hagai Environmental Studies Corp. Copy of the EAS  for Charleston Bus Annex in Staten Island, NY.
FTA-2021-0173 6/15/2021 Masson, Alec Luks, Santaniello, Petrillo & Cohen Copies of records related to an automobile accident that occurred on September 1, 2017, in Orlando, Florida.
FTA-2021-0174 6/21/2021 Anatole, Gabrielle Faruqi & Faruqi Copies of all S&S-20, S&S-40 and S&S-50 reports for the last five years for Westchester County, Liberty Lines Transit, Inc. and Liberty Lines Express, Inc.
FTA-2021-0175 6/21/2021 Inderbitzen, Scott Lytix Copies of all models with underlying formulas showing how each amount in column B of the attached ARP-Apportionment-Table-2-Section-5307-Urbanized-Area-3-29-2021.xlsx file was calculated.
FTA-2021-0176 6/23/2021 Mohebbi, Mehri UFTI Copies of the EEO-4 forms for the current reporting period.
FTA-2021-0177 6/25/2021 Flaherty, Doug - Copies of all correspondence between FTA  and the Nevada DOT in connection with the Old Incline Village Elementary School.
FTA-2021-0178 6/28/2021 Stolzfus, Jarrett Proterra Copy of the Low-No award recipients for the 2021 award year.
FTA-2021-0179 6/29/2021 Garza, Vanessa U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas Copy of all documents related to Contract No. TX-04-0032-03.
FTA-2021-0180 7/6/2021 Metts, Phyllis - Copies of all e-mails between OPM and FTA regarding resolution of leave issues from January 2016 to the present.
FTA-2021-0181 7/6/2021 Irwin, Lian Carlos Vazquez American City Business Journals Requests DBE related data by state from 2010-2020.
FTA-2021-0182 7/9/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during June 2021.
FTA-2021-0183 7/9/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response to them during June 2021.
FTA-2021-0184 7/9/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued  by various TCR employees during June 2021.
FTA-2021-0185 7/9/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during June 2021.
FTA-2021-0186 7/9/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of plans for commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during June 2021.
FTA-2021-0187 7/9/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by TOA.
FTA-2021-0188 7/9/2021 Ryan, Steve - Would like to know the number of FOIA requests processed since January 6, 2021.
FTA-2021-0189 7/14/2021 Cruz, Francisco PMA Consultants Copies of all PMOC reports, annual new start review reports and before-and-after study reviews related to every single BRT project completed from 1995 to 2021.
FTA-2021-0190 7/19/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of the complaint and related documents in Complaint No. 20-0245.
FTA-2021-0191 7/19/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0244.
FTA-2021-0192 7/27/2021 Francis, Hanan The Potts Law Firm Copy of a police response for a METRO incident that occurred on October 15, 2020 in Houston Texas near Shepherd and Tidwell.
FTA-2021-0193 7/27/2021 Kalson, Jodi Cohan Law Group Copies of documents relating to MARTA and its payment or non-payment to fuel vendors.
FTA-2021-0194 8/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution, and letters of finding issued by TCR during July 2021.
FTA-2021-0195 8/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response thereto during July 2021.
FTA-2021-0196 8/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during July 2021.
FTA-2021-0197 8/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during July 2021.
FTA-2021-0198 8/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all commuter rail platform plans and TCR's responses thereto during July 2021.
FTA-2021-0199 8/2/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Administrator during July 2021.
FTA-2021-0200 8/4/2021 McLeod, Jacob - Copies of communications between CAF USA and FTA employees between January 1, 2010 and January 2014.
FTA-2021-0201 8/4/2021 Magnolia, Harrison - Copies of proof of purchase, or contract with Martz for busses to unload passengers at the White House and Capitol Hill during January 2021.
FTA-2021-0202 8/6/2021 Blutstein, Allan America Rising Copy of the Statement of Work associated with Understanding Diversity and Inclusion and Strategic Thinking courses.
FTA-2021-0203 8/12/2021 Anatole, Gabriella aruqi & Faruqi, LLP Copies of all audits, investigations and/or correspondence to or from FTA and Westchester County regarding the accuracy of its Safety and Security reporting for the last 10 years.
FTA-2021-0204 8/17/2021 Goldstein, Sid Letter Publications, Inc. Copy of Complaint No. 20-0151 and related documents.

Total No of Requests: 224