Fiscal Year 2021 FOIA Log
Request ID | Received Date | Requester Name | Organization | Request Description |
FTA-2021-0001 | 10/6/2020 | Ravnitzky, Michael | - | Copy of the Safety Data Management Strategic Action Plan. |
FTA-2021-0002 | 10/6/2020 | Matthews, Ellen | Burr Forman LLP | Copies of e-mail communications between June 1, m2015 and March 31, 2019 received by various FTA employees regarding the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority. |
FTA-2021-0003 | 10/8/2020 | Palmerson, Joseph | Law Office of Karen Lawrence | Copy of a New York City bus video from July 17, 2019 which depicts a 3 vehicle motor vehicle accident. |
FTA-2021-0004 | 10/8/2020 | Gumz, J. | - | Copy of the grant application by the Tahoe Transportation District for NV-2020-016. |
FTA-2021-0005 | 10/13/2020 | Weise, Landry | HR&A Advisors, Inc. | Copies of the 24 Transit Oriented Development Planning grants that were awarded for FY19. |
FTA-2021-0006 | 10/13/2020 | Solomon, Sophie | USC Gould School of Law | Copy of $30.2 million grant to the Golden Gate Bridge Transportation District. |
FTA-2021-0007 | 10/13/2020 | Blake, Shaun | Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC | Copies of various documents associated with the City of Rock Hill, SC's Low-No Program grant. |
FTA-2021-0008 | 10/14/2020 | Aronson, Michael | New York Daily News | Copies of documents submitted by New Jersey Transit on or about September 18, 2020 in applying for Section 5309 CIG FFGA for the Portal North Bridge Project. |
FTA-2021-0009 | 10/19/2020 | Brinner, Kristin | Surfrider Foundation | Copy of DOT's response or decision on a NEP Categorical Exclusion Request submitted by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDBAG) for the Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization Project. |
FTA-2021-0010 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of all administrative closures, letters of resolution, and letters of finding issued by TCR during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0011 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of all Title VI complaints and the response thereto during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0012 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests to TCR for ADA technical assistance and responses thereto during September, 2020. |
FTA-2021-0013 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all requests to TCR for Title VI technical assistance and responses thereto during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0014 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0015 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0016 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all plans for commuter rail platform construction and TCR's response thereto during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0017 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all messages sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0018 | 10/22/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for information on the reasonable modification rule and responses thereto during September 2020. |
FTA-2021-0019 | 10/23/2020 | Geary, Maureen | City of Quincy, MA | Copy of the grant application for the FY20 Passenger Ferry Grant Program that was submitted by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. |
FTA-2021-0020 | 10/23/2020 | Moore, Elizabeth | - | Copy of the 2008 Preliminary Draft EIS for MTA's Long Island RR Main Line Corridor Improvement (MLC), Third Track Project and FTA's related review. |
FTA-2021-00205 | 8/23/2021 | Schetky, David | Schetkys Northwest Sales, Inc. | Copy of an e-mail list of contacts for each transit agency that is either FTA funding approved and/or for agencies listed in the NTD. |
FTA-2021-00206 | 8/26/2021 | Kowalski, Thomas | Urban Transportation Associates Inc. | NTD Data |
FTA-2021-00207 | 8/26/2021 | Lacey, Latrice | - | Copy of the last5 two City of Davenport/Citibus Title VI Program Plans. |
FTA-2021-00208 | 9/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response thereto during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021) |
FTA-2021-00209 | 9/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021) |
FTA-2021-0021 | 10/26/2020 | Holguin, Danielle | Virginkar & Associates, Inc. | Copies of the winning proposals for DOT/FTA RFP No. 69319519R000001 2019 Project Management Oversight. |
FTA-2021-00210 | 9/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021) |
FTA-2021-00211 | 9/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title IV related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021) |
FTA-2021-00212 | 9/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021) |
FTA-2021-00213 | 9/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Administrator during August 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 8/1/2021 To 8/31/2021) |
FTA-2021-00214 | 9/13/2021 | Krueger, Sydney | Ktc | Copy of the LowNo grant application filed by the Center for Transportation and the Environment for a hydrogen fueling facility for Bakersfield GET Transit. |
FTA-2021-00215 | 9/13/2021 | Micovic, Andrej | Hunton Andrews Kurth, LLP | Copies of correspondence in the last 18 months between Miami-Dade County and the FTA in connection with Miami-Dade Contract No. RFP-00152. |
FTA-2021-00216 | 9/27/2021 | Gena, Andrew | Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL-CIO/CLC | Copy of the grant applications submitted by the Tennessee OT for CARES Act 5311(f) Intercity Bus Funding. |
FTA-2021-00217 | 9/27/2021 | Latief, Nawreen | Delerme Group | Copy of a proposal related contract award DTFT6006F00041 from Destiny Management Services. |
FTA-2021-00218 | 9/27/2021 | Newman, David | Union Pacific Railroad Company | opies of various documents related to Railroad Bridges located on Union Pacific's Coast Subdivision at Mile Post 48.89. |
FTA-2021-00219 | 9/29/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during September 2021. |
FTA-2021-0022 | 10/30/2020 | Lebrun, Roland | - | Copies of all PMOC reports since December 2019 for the Peninsula Corridor Caltrain Electrification Program. |
FTA-2021-00220 | 9/29/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's responses thereto during September 2021. |
FTA-2021-00221 | 9/29/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR personnel during September 2021. |
FTA-2021-00222 | 9/29/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during September 2021. |
FTA-2021-00223 | 9/29/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of plans for commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during September 031. |
FTA-2021-00224 | 9/29/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of e-mails sent to all employees by the Administrator during September 2021. |
FTA-2021-0023 | 11/3/2020 | Surowiecki, Jake | Glenn Springs Holdings, Inc. | Copies of various permits issued for the North Portal Bridge Project. |
FTA-2021-0024 | 11/10/2020 | MilNeil, Christian | StreetsblogMASS | Copies of any and all correspondence between the FTA and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) regarding the FTA-funded "Harvard Busway" project during the 2019 and 2020 calendar years. |
FTA-2021-0025 | 11/16/2020 | Watkins, Sean | San Francisco State University | Requested the annual salaries of the Deputy Administrator and the Executive Assistant. |
FTA-2021-0026 | 11/16/2020 | Edgington, Terry | - | Copies of the FOIA Log from January 1, 2019 through December 30, 2019. |
FTA-2021-0027 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0028 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI complaints and TRC's responses thereto during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0029 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related written requests for technical assistance and TCR's responses thereto during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0030 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sifd | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related written requests for technical assistance and TCR's responses thereto during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0031 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0032 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0033 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of plans for rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0034 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0035 | 11/16/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all requests regarding the ADA reasonable modification rule and TCR's responses thereto during October 2020. |
FTA-2021-0036 | 11/18/2020 | Alvarez, Erik | Erik Alexander Alvarez, P.A. | Copies of off public records related to traffic signals at the intersection of Interstate 95, NW 62 Street in Miami Florida from Miami-Dade County for April 7-9, 2020. |
FTA-2021-0037 | 11/19/2020 | Geronimus, Aiden | Jobs to Move America | Copies of all Buy America compliance documents associated with bus or rail procurements during the last ten years. |
FTA-2021-0038 | 11/19/2020 | Sommerfeldt, Chris | New York Daily News | Copies of all internal DOT communications regarding the Hudson River Gateway Project in New York and New Jersey dating between January 1, 2017 and the present. |
FTA-2021-0039 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0040 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's responses thereto during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0041 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of written requests for ADA related technical assistance and TCR's responses thereto during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0042 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related requests for technical assistance and responses thereto by TCR during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0043 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0044 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0045 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Pub;lications, Inc. | Copies of all plans related to commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0046 | 12/1/2020 | Goldsatein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0047 | 12/1/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all requests related to the reasonable modifications rule and TCR's response thereto during November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0048 | 11/30/2020 | Hulac, Ben | CQ Roll Call | Copies of all FTA briefing materials prepared for the incoming administration under the Presidential Transition Act. |
FTA-2021-0049 | 12/1/2020 | Wehrman, Jessica | CQ Roll Call | Copies of all briefing materials for the incoming administration under the Presidential Transition Act. |
FTA-2021-0050 | 12/7/2020 | Ravnitzky, Michael | - | Copies of seven TSO documents related to transit safety. |
FTA-2021-0051 | 12/7/2020 | Ralls, John | Ralls Gruber & Neice | Copy of FFG for the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority for the Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Project. |
FTA-2021-0052 | 12/7/2020 | Stolzfus, Jarrett | PROTERRA | List of Low-No award recipients. |
FTA-2021-0053 | 12/7/2020 | Geronimus, Aiden | Jobs to Move America | Copy for FTA's procedures for collection and retention of Buy America information. |
FTA-2021-0054 | 12/7/2020 | Hobbs, Rosetta | - | Information related to a TIGER grant to the City of Goldsboro and related audits. |
FTA-2021-0055 | 12/7/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0107 and related material. |
FTA-2021-0056 | 12/7/2020 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of Complaints 21-0048, 21-0051 and 21-0052 and related materials. |
FTA-2021-0057 | 12/21/2020 | Ravnitzky, Michael | - | A copy or printout of FTA's You Tube page which shows nonpublic videos on the agency's You Tube account. |
FTA-2021-0058 | 12/22/2020 | Rhodes, James | Rhodes Consulting | Copies of communications between FTA an the Rhode Island Department of Transportation regarding development of Kennedy Plaza in Providence RI. |
FTA-2021-0059 | 12/29/2020 | Undraitis, Edward | - | Copy of the footage of a shooting at the Pace Terminal facility in Harvey, IL on 5-14-2020. |
FTA-2021-0060 | 1/4/2021 | Ravnitzky, Michael | - | Copy of the transition briefing documents prepared by FTA for the incoming Biden administration. |
FTA-2021-0061 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0062 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response thereto during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0063 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related written requests for technical assistance and TCR's response thereto during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0064 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | opies of all Title I written requests for technical assistance and TCR's response thereto during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0065 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0066 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0067 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of plans for commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0068 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0069 | 1/4/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related written requests regarding the reasonable modification rule and TCR's responses thereto during December 2020. |
FTA-2021-0070 | 1/8/2021 | Clyde, Rob | LMC Industrial Contractors, Inc. | Copies of all pricing forms dated on or before December 4, 2020 for the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority Procurement No. 036-020 from the following contractors: Danforth, Emcore/Betlem, Johnson Controls, Monroe Piping and Sheet Metal and Siemens Industry.. |
FTA-2021-0071 | 1/11/2021 | Schreier, Lillian | Gannett Fleming | Copy of the Gannett Fleming Audit Report for overhead rates on Contract DTFT60-15-D-00007 and Contract 69319519D000023. |
FTA-2021-0072 | 1/11/2021 | Ravnitzky, Michael | - | Copy of FTA's FOIA Logs for 2010 through 2020. |
FTA-2021-0073 | 1/13/2021 | Lebrun, Roland | - | Regard the Santa Clara VTA Project, copies of: 1) Copy of the application including all supporting documents and 2) Copies of all written communications between the FTA and the VTA since project initiation. |
FTA-2021-0074 | 1/19/2021 | Brown-Mason, Kimberly | - | Copies of correspondence and information regarding the requester. |
FTA-2021-0075 | 1/19/2021 | Allen, Grace | - | Copy of traffic camera footage from a traffic stoplight. The intersection is in Chicago, Illinois. The intersection is Broadway and Berwyn on Saturday, December 19th. The specific time would be between 11:00am-11:30am CST. |
FTA-2021-0076 | 1/19/2021 | Lopez, Daniel | Pearson Doyle Mohre & Pastis, LLP | Copies of the current contract, the technical and cost proposals, and related documents, submitted in response to RFP S-20-03 from the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority. |
FTA-2021-0077 | 1/21/2021 | Ravnitzky, Michael | - | Copy of each email in the email accounts of each person in the Federal Transit Administration Office of Communications and Congressional Affairs which contains ANY of the following words: CAPITAL, CAPITOL, POLICE, ATTACK, MOB, VIOLENCE, or TRUMP. I limit this request to emails on January 6 and January 7th. |
FTA-2021-0078 | 1/21/2021 | Goldwyn, Eric | New York University | Copy of the final PMO report for Phase 1 of the Second Avenue Subway. I have been able to find the monthly reports online, but I was told that there is a final report that was published 6 months after the completion of the project that was available. |
FTA-2021-0079 | 1/22/2021 | Payton, Abraham | Due Diligence Group, LLC | Copies of correspondence between former Acting Administrator Jane Williams a nd Executive Director Matt Welbes and the Office of Rep. Pete Stauber between January 3, 2019 AND January 22, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0080 | 1/22/2021 | Payton, Abraham | Due Diligence Group, LLC | Copies of all correspondence between Region 5 Regional Administrator and/or her staff and the Office of Rep. Pete Stauber between January 3, 2019 and January 22, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0081 | 1/26/2021 | Maroulis, Michael | University of California, Berkley School of Law | Copies of all Project Management Oversight Contractor (PMOC) reports for the VTA/BART Silicon Valley Phase 1 project from 2012 to the present. |
FTA-2021-0082 | 2/8/2021 | Dorman, Mandy | Dorman, Bell & Kramer, LLP | Copy of a list of all full time employees, job titles, location, hire date and e-mail address. |
FTA-2021-0083 | 2/8/2021 | Blumenberg, Evelyn | UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs | Copies of EEO-4 employment data forms for transit agencies in 2018 and 2020 and the recent Uniform Reports of DBE Commitments Awards and Payments for the transit agencies. |
FTA-2021-0084 | 2/11/2021 | Kallas, Sarah | Walsh, Knippen & Cetina | Copies of four UMTA grants issued by TRO-5 during the 1980s. |
FTA-2021-0085 | 2/12/2021 | Goodrich, Ashley | - | Copies of various documents pertaining to Chatham Area Transit in Savannah, GA. |
FTA-2021-0086 | 2/18/2021 | Francis, Joe | - | Copies of all communications between FTA and WSDOT regarding Title VI programs from January 1, 2011 and the present. |
FTA-2021-0087 | 2/23/2021 | Sessen, Tim | Ballard Power ystems | Copy of the LowNo application filed by the Center for Transportation and the Environment awarded in 2017. |
FTA-2021-0088 | 2/26/2021 | Schilling, Rob | NewsRadio WINA | Copy of any audit regarding the Charlottesville Area Transit or JAUNT between January 1, 2018 and December 20, 2020. |
FTA-2021-0089 | 3/1/2021 | Gardner, Grace | - | Copy of the org. chart for HR and a spreadsheet showing the employees' names and employment information. |
FTA-2021-0090 | 3/2/2021 | Gannon, Jaclyn | Cerussi & Gunn, P.C. | Copy of all information regarding the engineer/person operating New Jersey train 6245 on the Montclair Boonton line on June 11, 2019. |
FTA-2021-0091 | 3/2/2021 | Christensen, Brock | Sims Law Firm, LLP | Copies of all grant applications and related information for the Washington Street Trolley Station in San Diego, CA. |
FTA-2021-0092 | 3/5/2021 | Matthews, Ellen | Burr Forman LLP | Copies of an e-mail sent by TRO-4 to Phyllis Goode or April Penchion between Nov. 16, 2018 and January 15, 2019, related to FOIA FY21-0002.. |
FTA-2021-0093 | 3/8/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0167 and related documents. |
FTA-2021-0094 | 3/8/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0109 and related documents. |
FTA-2021-0095 | 3/8/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0160. |
FTA-2021-0096 | 3/9/2021 | Shaw, Megan | Cohen Weiss and Simon, LLP | Copies of DOL letters attached to MTA grant applications for funds allocated in or after March 2020. |
FTA-2021-0097 | 3/10/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related administrative closures, letters of resolution and Letters of finding issued from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0098 | 3/10/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title Vi complaints and TRC's responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0099 | 3/10/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0100 | 3/10/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title Vi correspondence issued by various TCR employees from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0101 | 3/10/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all commuter rail platform plans and TCR's responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0102 | 3/10/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator from January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0103 | 3/11/2021 | Dombrowski, Rosanna | Management Comcepts, Inc. | Copies of three randomly selected grants from the Grants for Pilot Program for Expedited Project Delivery. |
FTA-2021-0104 | 3/11/2021 | Lui, Justin | The Durst Organization | Copies of any communications between New York's MTA and FTA regarding MTA appraisals for 1815 and 1801 Park Ave. between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0105 | 3/11/2021 | Lui, Justin | The Durst Organization | Copies of all documents and communica5tions between FTA and NY MTA regarding 1800, 1801 and 1815 Park Avenue between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0106 | 3/11/2021 | Lui, Justin | The Durst Organization | Copies of any communications between FTA and NY MTA regarding MTA's condemnation appraisals relating to SAS that were either approved or disapproved between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0107 | 3/11/2021 | Banks, Malcha | Freeman Mathis & Gary LLP | Copies of notes or recordings from a November 20, 2020, meeting between FTA and Chatham Area Transit Authority's CEO Bacarra Mauldin. |
FTA-2021-0108 | 3/11/2021 | Lui, Justin | The Durst Organization | Copies of communications between FTA and NY MTA regarding MYS's condemnation appraisals relating to SAS that were approved and disapproved from January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2012. |
FTA-2021-0109 | 3/18/2021 | Tempel, Brigitte | - | Copy of videos mentioned in a May 31, 2019, letter to FTA from Lane Transit District. |
FTA-2021-0110 | 3/19/2021 | Wilson, Colleen | USA Today Network New Jersey | Copy of NJ Transit's project management plan for the Portal North Bridge replacement including progress reports. |
FTA-2021-0111 | 3/24/2021 | Rivoli, Dan | NY1 | Copies of e-mails from MTA regarding Central Business District Tolling, Congestion Pricing, etc. from January 1, 2019 through March 23, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0112 | 3/25/2021 | Vaccaro, Adam | Boston Globe | Copy of the 2015 Triannual Review of MBTA and related correspondence. |
FTA-2021-0113 | 3/29/2021 | Rajabi, Hasan | - | Copies of U.S. Customs and Border protection entry and exit records from 2000 to 2021. |
FTA-2021-0114 | 3/31/2021 | Wilfand, Tzur | - | Copy of a list of transit agencies that received funds under the American Rescue Plan. |
FTA-2021-0115 | 4/1/2021 | Lucas, Falisha | CALSTART | Copies of the LowNo grant applications for City of Anaheim for advanced battery electric busses and for California DOT for charging station use in Arvin, CA. |
FTA-2021-0116 | 4/2/2021 | Grube, Nick | Honolulu ivil Beat | Copies of correspondence between FTA and various members of Congress regarding the High Capacity Trabsit Corridor Project between January 1, 2014 to present. |
FTA-2021-0117 | 4/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution, and letters of finding issued by TCR during March 2021. |
FTA-2021-0118 | 4/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI complaints and responses thereto during March 2021. |
FTA-2021-0119 | 4/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of various ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during March 2021. |
FTA-2021-0120 | 4/6/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during March 2021. |
FTA-2021-0121 | 4/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | opies of all plans pertaining to rail platforms and TCR's responses thereto during March 2021. |
FTA-2021-0122 | 4/7/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by TOA during March 2021. |
FTA-2021-0123 | 4/16/2021 | Davis, Evan | NYU | Copies of public transit grants for towns in Middlesex County, Connecticut. |
FTA-2021-0124 | 4/28/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0219 including attachments, if any. |
FTA-2021-0125 | 4/28/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0246 including all attachments, if any. |
FTA-2021-0126 | 4/30/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Pub;ications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0152 and related documents. |
FTA-2021-0127 | 4/30/2021 | Gpldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0252. |
FTA-2021-0128 | 4/30/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0185. |
FTA-2021-0129 | 5/3/2021 | Flaherty, Doug | - | Copies of all environmental related documents related to the acquisition of the real property located at 771 Southwood Blvd., Incline Village, NV. |
FTA-2021-0130 | 5/3/2021 | Flaherty, Doug | - | Copies of grant applications and related documents submitted in 20320 and 2021 from the Nevada DOT connected to the acquisition of property located at 771 Southwood Blvd., Incline Village, NV. |
FTA-2021-0131 | 5/3/2021 | Lebrun, Roland | CCSS | Copies of all Caltrain PMOC Reports submitted after November 2020. |
FTA-2021-0132 | 5/3/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TRC during April 2021. |
FTA-2021-0133 | 5/3/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of all Title VI com-plaints and TCR's response thereto during April 2021. |
FTA-2021-0134 | 5/3/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during April 2021. |
FTA-2021-0135 | 5/3/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during April 2021. |
FTA-2021-0136 | 5/3/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all rail platform plans and TCR's response there during April 2021. |
FTA-2021-0137 | 5/3/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Acting Administrator during April 2021. |
FTA-2021-0138 | 5/3/2021 | White, Kimberly | - | Copy of BART's corrective actions in response to the 2008 EEO Compliance Review. |
FTA-2021-0139 | 5/3/2021 | White, Kimberly | - | Copy of BART's submission to FTA for the 2012 compliance review. |
FTA-2021-0140 | 5/3/2021 | Cruz, Francisco | PMAConsultants | Copies of data related to bus rapid transit (BRT) projects completed from 2005 to 2021. |
FTA-2021-0141 | 5/5/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of communications between FTA and the Memphis Area Transit Authority regarding the ADA Paratransit Review. |
FTA-2021-0142 | 5/7/2021 | Leo, Louis | Attorney-at-Law | Copies of the Master Agreements and Grant Agreements between FTA and New Orleans RTA from 2006 to 2021. |
FTA-2021-0143 | 5/7/2021 | Brown-Mason, Kimberly | - | Copies of various correspondence and records. |
FTA-2021-0144 | 5/7/2021 | Hontos, Alex | Dorsey | Copy of the FFGA for the Green Line Light Rail Extension between FTA and the Metropolitan Council. |
FTA-2021-0145 | 5/12/2021 | Kaplan, Matthew | Kaplan Law LLC | Copies of TSO communications and investigation materials regarding the Gessman master controller. |
FTA-2021-0146 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-1 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0147 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-2 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0148 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-3 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0149 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-4 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0150 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-5 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0151 | 5/17/2021 | Golstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-6 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0152 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-7 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0153 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-8 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0154 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-9 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0155 | 5/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all written requests for technical assistance sent to TCR TRO-10 and responses thereto from January 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0156 | 5/19/2021 | Huhman, Lisa | Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice, LLC | Copy of grant application for maintenance and upgrades at railroad grade crossing in Purdy, MO. |
FTA-2021-0157 | 5/24/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all communications between FTA and Gwinnett County Transit (GCT) related to final ADA paratransit compliance review. |
FTA-2021-0158 | 5/27/2021 | Herold, Kiana | Berkeley School of Law | Copies of the number of Title VI complaints and related information from 2010 to the present. |
FTA-2021-0159 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0160 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI complaints and TCR's responses thereto during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0161 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0162 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by TCR during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0163 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all rail platform plans and TCR's response thereto during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0164 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by TOA during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0165 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence sent by 2 TCR employees during May 2021. |
FTA-2021-0166 | 6/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all external e-mails to or from AA for TCR that contain the word equity between January 1, 20321 and May 31, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0167 | 6/7/2021 | Emeric, Elmer | Colectivo Somos Mas Que 100x35 | Questions regarding and copies of federal funds disbursed to ATM or Puerto Rico's DOT. |
FTA-2021-0168 | 6/8/2021 | Flora, Rachael | The Savannahan | Copy of the transcript of the November 20, 2020 meeting between Chatham Area Transit and the FTA. |
FTA-2021-0169 | 6/9/2021 | Kelly, Amy | XAQT | Copy of the contract awarded under RFP Cognitive IVR and BPO dated January 18, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0170 | 6/14/2021 | Weinstock, Charles | - | Copies of various documents related to the Gateway Program, Penn Station and Surrounding Redevelopment. |
FTA-2021-0171 | 6/14/2021 | Scherber, Lynette | - | Questions regarding Bille Bus in Minnesota. |
FTA-2021-0172 | 6/15/2021 | Rifkind, Hagai | Environmental Studies Corp. | Copy of the EAS for Charleston Bus Annex in Staten Island, NY. |
FTA-2021-0173 | 6/15/2021 | Masson, Alec | Luks, Santaniello, Petrillo & Cohen | Copies of records related to an automobile accident that occurred on September 1, 2017, in Orlando, Florida. |
FTA-2021-0174 | 6/21/2021 | Anatole, Gabrielle | Faruqi & Faruqi | Copies of all S&S-20, S&S-40 and S&S-50 reports for the last five years for Westchester County, Liberty Lines Transit, Inc. and Liberty Lines Express, Inc. |
FTA-2021-0175 | 6/21/2021 | Inderbitzen, Scott | Lytix | Copies of all models with underlying formulas showing how each amount in column B of the attached ARP-Apportionment-Table-2-Section-5307-Urbanized-Area-3-29-2021.xlsx file was calculated. |
FTA-2021-0176 | 6/23/2021 | Mohebbi, Mehri | UFTI | Copies of the EEO-4 forms for the current reporting period. |
FTA-2021-0177 | 6/25/2021 | Flaherty, Doug | - | Copies of all correspondence between FTA and the Nevada DOT in connection with the Old Incline Village Elementary School. |
FTA-2021-0178 | 6/28/2021 | Stolzfus, Jarrett | Proterra | Copy of the Low-No award recipients for the 2021 award year. |
FTA-2021-0179 | 6/29/2021 | Garza, Vanessa | U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas | Copy of all documents related to Contract No. TX-04-0032-03. |
FTA-2021-0180 | 7/6/2021 | Metts, Phyllis | - | Copies of all e-mails between OPM and FTA regarding resolution of leave issues from January 2016 to the present. |
FTA-2021-0181 | 7/6/2021 | Irwin, Lian Carlos Vazquez | American City Business Journals | Requests DBE related data by state from 2010-2020. |
FTA-2021-0182 | 7/9/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution and letters of finding issued by TCR during June 2021. |
FTA-2021-0183 | 7/9/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response to them during June 2021. |
FTA-2021-0184 | 7/9/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during June 2021. |
FTA-2021-0185 | 7/9/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during June 2021. |
FTA-2021-0186 | 7/9/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of plans for commuter rail platforms and TCR's response thereto during June 2021. |
FTA-2021-0187 | 7/9/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by TOA. |
FTA-2021-0188 | 7/9/2021 | Ryan, Steve | - | Would like to know the number of FOIA requests processed since January 6, 2021. |
FTA-2021-0189 | 7/14/2021 | Cruz, Francisco | PMA Consultants | Copies of all PMOC reports, annual new start review reports and before-and-after study reviews related to every single BRT project completed from 1995 to 2021. |
FTA-2021-0190 | 7/19/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of the complaint and related documents in Complaint No. 20-0245. |
FTA-2021-0191 | 7/19/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0244. |
FTA-2021-0192 | 7/27/2021 | Francis, Hanan | The Potts Law Firm | Copy of a police response for a METRO incident that occurred on October 15, 2020 in Houston Texas near Shepherd and Tidwell. |
FTA-2021-0193 | 7/27/2021 | Kalson, Jodi | Cohan Law Group | Copies of documents relating to MARTA and its payment or non-payment to fuel vendors. |
FTA-2021-0194 | 8/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all administrative closures, letters of resolution, and letters of finding issued by TCR during July 2021. |
FTA-2021-0195 | 8/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of all Title VI complaints and TCR's response thereto during July 2021. |
FTA-2021-0196 | 8/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all ADA related correspondence issued by various TCR employees during July 2021. |
FTA-2021-0197 | 8/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all Title VI correspondence issued by various TCR employees during July 2021. |
FTA-2021-0198 | 8/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all commuter rail platform plans and TCR's responses thereto during July 2021. |
FTA-2021-0199 | 8/2/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copies of all e-mails sent to all employees by the Administrator during July 2021. |
FTA-2021-0200 | 8/4/2021 | McLeod, Jacob | - | Copies of communications between CAF USA and FTA employees between January 1, 2010 and January 2014. |
FTA-2021-0201 | 8/4/2021 | Magnolia, Harrison | - | Copies of proof of purchase, or contract with Martz for busses to unload passengers at the White House and Capitol Hill during January 2021. |
FTA-2021-0202 | 8/6/2021 | Blutstein, Allan | America Rising | Copy of the Statement of Work associated with Understanding Diversity and Inclusion and Strategic Thinking courses. |
FTA-2021-0203 | 8/12/2021 | Anatole, Gabriella | aruqi & Faruqi, LLP | Copies of all audits, investigations and/or correspondence to or from FTA and Westchester County regarding the accuracy of its Safety and Security reporting for the last 10 years. |
FTA-2021-0204 | 8/17/2021 | Goldstein, Sid | Letter Publications, Inc. | Copy of Complaint No. 20-0151 and related documents. |
Total No of Requests: 224
Last updated: Thursday, September 28, 2023