American Rescue Plan Route Planning Discretionary Grant Funding Selections
State | Project Sponsor | Project Description | Funding |
AL | Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority | The Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA) will receive funding to plan for restoring eliminated/reduced transit routes due to COVID-19 and exploring new transit routes to expand current services. | $780,115 |
AZ | YAVAPAI APACHE NATION | The Yavapai Apache Nation, a federally recognized Native-American tribe will receive funding to evaluate its existing service, improve its operations and explore routes for expansion of services. | $60,000 |
AZ | City of Phoenix (Valley Metro) | The City of Phoenix (Valley Metro) will receive funding to study and examine a potential new high capacity transit route designed to increase ridership and reduce travel times and to plan for interim improvements to its transit network to restore service lost from COVID-19. | $514,045 |
CA | San Diego Metropolitan Transit System | The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) will receive funding to study improvements to its Orange Line Corridor, designed to increase ridership and reduce travel times and to make service adjustments to increase the quality of service provided to low-income riders and disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities. | $750,000 |
CA | City of Culver City | The City of Culver City will receive funding to analyze its current transit system (Culver CityBus) and develop a roadmap to not only induce post-pandemic ridership recovery, but to build a sustainable bus system that can achieve long term growth. | $645,750 |
CA | Golden Empire Transit District | The Golden Empire Transit District in Bakersfield, CA, will receive funding to conduct a planning study that restores transit routes impacted by COVID-19 and to identify opportunities to improve service quality for low-income and disadvantaged communities. | $413,005 |
CA | Long Beach Public Transportation Company | The Long Beach Public Transportation Company will receive funding to study and redesign Long Beach Transit's service routes designed to increase ridership and reduce travel times and to identify opportunities to increase the quality or frequency of service provided to low-income riders and disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities. | $600,000 |
CA | City & County of San Francisco | The City and County of San Francisco (SFMTA) will receive funding to conduct an evaluation of its transit system to prioritize resources to increase ridership and reduce travel times and to identify opportunities to increase the quality or frequency of service provided to low-income riders and disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities. | $514,045 |
CA | City of Santa Clarita | The City of Santa Clarita will receive funding to analyze pre-pandemic and post-pandemic transit service and develop a plan to restore services to pre-pandemic levels. The proposed plan would identify opportunities to to better serve low income and disadvantaged neighborhoods communities while reducing the negative environmental impact to these communities and the region. | $300,000 |
CA | Gold Coast Transit District | The Gold Coast Transit District in Western Ventura County, CA will receive funding to identify areas in Ventura County that were affected by the decrease in service and frequency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to benefit disadvantaged or low-income communities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by developing a plan to increase service frequency and ridership. | $113,100 |
CA | San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District | The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) will receive funding to conduct an evaluation of its transit system designed to increase ridership and reduce travel times and to identify opportunities to increase the quality or frequency of service provided to low-income riders and disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities. | $514,045 |
CA | City of Fairfield | The City of Fairfield will receive funding to examine restructuring its transit service in Fairfield's Cordelia area from traditional fixed route to on-demand microtransit that will reduce wait and travel times, increase access to an expanding area and improve overall public transportation usage. | $1,000,000 |
FL | The City of Gainesville | The City of Gainesville will receive funding to identify opportunities to restore and expand transit services by collaborating with community-sourced options with the goal of reducing travel time and increasing trip frequency while incorporating the use of other complementary travel modes. | $300,000 |
FL | The City of Fort Lauderdale (INC) | The City of Fort Lauderdale will receive funding to conduct an Assessment Report of its current transit system to inform decision making for proposed route restructuring. | $150,000 |
FL | Hillsborough Transit Authority | The Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) will receive funding to identify cost effective and efficient service improvements aimed at routes that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and to identify opportunities to improve transit services to low-income and disadvantaged communities through the development of a short-term operations and financial plan. | $300,000 |
GA | Atlanta Region Transit Link Authority | The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority will receive funding to develop a return to ridership service implementation plan for its Xpress commuter bus service that will focus on growing ridership through strategic service increases by assessing new regional travel behaviors and commute patterns, soliciting public input and accounting for the needs of low income, disadvantaged, and environmental justice populations throughout the metro Atlanta region, coordinating with local and county governments, social service providers, employers, and the MPO. | $250,000 |
GA | Chatham Area Transit | Chatham Area Transit Authority (CAT) will receive funding to initiate a route restoration and transit enhancement study to analyze current transit needs in the service area, specifically to improve service for public housing neighborhoods and low-income, minority communities. | $550,000 |
IL | Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation | The Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation (Metra) will receive funding to collect data on Metra's current transit schedules which will be used to support enhanced service to better serve under-resourced communities and to provide recommendations to improve service levels. | $500,000 |
KY | Transit Authority of River City | The Transit Authority of River City (TARC) will receive funding to conduct a system wide analysis of its post-pandemic transit needs and to identify how resources can be better allocated to serve its riders, especially low income and disadvantaged communities who utilize TARC services. | $780,100 |
LA | Capital Area Transit System | The Capital Area Transit System will receive funding to study transit options on the Florida Boulevard corridor, to include environmental impact assessment for a new Operations and Maintenance/Administration facility and transit centers, as well as feasibility planning for transit-oriented development opportunities. | $514,045 |
MA | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority | The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) will receive funding for The Chelsea and Everett Cross-Town Route Implementation Planning Study, which prioritizes improving access to opportunities and service quality for low-income riders. | $780,100 |
MA | Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority | The Merrimack Valley Regional Transportation Authority will receive funding to conduct a planning study on restoring transit services and addressing the affects of COVID-19 and its changing demographics. | $450,000 |
MD | Maryland Department of Transportation | The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) will receive funding to develop a plan for service recovery and expansion that will include reviewing its existing strategic plans, conducting a service analysis, and engaging its riders to identify essential, work, social, and recreational transit destinations. The plan will propose phased improvements to existing routes and prioritize service changes for low-income households and disadvantaged neighborhoods. | $300,000 |
MI | Mass Transportation Authority INC | The Mass Transportation Authority in Flint, MI will receive funding to conduct a route planning restoration study of its fourteen fixed, primary routes with the goal of increasing ridership, improving service delivery, and better understanding the changing needs in the post COVID-19 community. | $260,000 |
MI | Macatawa Area Express Transportation Authority | The Macatawa Area Express Transportation Authority (MAX Transit) in Holland, MI, will receive funding to conduct a regional transit planning initiative to collect data on first and last mile connections in the transit service area and neighboring transit agencies in West Michigan. The initiative will assist in improving transit systems management, to resume fixed route services to underserved and vulnerable populations, launch microtransit operations to increase ridership, and offer workforce development to equip transit staff with the skills and training to effectively respond to the increasing demands of transit innovation. | $400,000 |
MO | Kansas City Area Transportation Authority | The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) will receive funding to conduct a study of its transit services designed to improve mobility and access while combating climate change. | $514,045 |
MS | City of Jackson | The City of Jackson will receive funding to establish the JTRAN New Bus Network Project, to improve public transportation, provide more flexibility, frequency, and coverage to areas of the City of Jackson that are currently under-served. The JTRAN New Bus Network Project will be designed to better link under-served communities to critical services. | $1,000,000 |
NC | City of Charlotte | The City of Charlotte (CATS) will receive funding to initiate the First Mile -Last Mile project that will provide the transit agency with an opportunity to expand frequent and affordable transit service to low-income and disadvantaged neighborhoods/communities. Through a proactive outreach and engagement process that extensively involves low-income residents in disadvantage neighborhoods/communities, CATS will develop a first mile/last mile mobility solution that improves the quality of life for all residents within Mecklenburg County. | $750,000 |
NC | Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority | The Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority (GoTriangle) will receive funding to conduct a transit study to identify opportunities to shift from a park-and-ride-based transit service to a community-based service that connects to the regional network those who rely the most on transit such as seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low income riders. | $90,000 |
NJ | New Jersey Transit Corporation | New Jersey Transit (NJT) will receive funding to study ridership trends and mass transit service in Hudson County, NJ. The study will analyze current service, strengths, deficiencies, gaps, opportunities of the existing local bus network and opportunities for stakeholder and public involvement intended to develop a comprehensive Public Involvement Plan that identifies a range of outreach approaches targeting key internal and external stakeholders. | $514,045 |
NV | The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada | The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada will receive funding for planning and designing of enhanced bus stops to increase quality and safety for transit riders and increase ridership for customers who reside in disadvantaged communities. | $450,000 |
NY | City of New York | The City of New York (NYCDOT) will receive funding to support planning, service and reliability improvements on three Brooklyn Bus Corridors (B15, B35, B41). The study will evaluate opportunities to improve operational performance on these routes. | $780,100 |
NY | Capital District Transportation Authority | The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) will receive funding to develop a transportation data platform in support of intelligent system-wide route structuring, expansion, and improvement in order to more effectively and efficiently restore service to pre-COVID levels and to better serve disadvantaged communities and environmental justice populations while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. | $514,045 |
OH | Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority | The Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (GoMetro) will receive funding to plan for and develop new Bus Rapid Transit corridors which will improve service, reliability and environmental impact of transit in the region, in particular for low-income riders and those living in disadvantaged communities. | $780,100 |
OH | Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority | The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority will receive funding to study and develop an operations plan for new service with bus stop planning, coordination of core service in corridors to facilitate safer transfers between routes. | $410,000 |
OR | Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation of Oregon | The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive funding to develop improvement plans, with input from the local community and its jurisdictional partners, to respond to emerging transportation trends and ridership patterns following COVID-19. | $514,045 |
PA | Port Authority of Allegheny County | The Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAAC) will receive funding to perform a bus network study which will evaluate the existing network to determine how to most effectively restore service for low-income and other disadvantaged populations as well as account for new trends in mobility following COVID-19. The study will assist PAAC so that it can combat climate change and support the region's long-term values of accessibility, equity, sustainability, and efficiency. | $780,100 |
PA | Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority | The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), in conjunction with the City of Philadelphia, will receive funding to identify, study, and develop transportation improvements for the North Philadelphia West neighborhood between 18th and 33rd Street, and Lehigh and Girard Avenue, an area of roughly 2 square miles. This area is served by 9 bus routes, with service concentrated on 7 primary transit corridors. | $500,000 |
PA | Centre Area Transportation Authority | The Centre Area Transportation Authority (CATA) will receive funding to conduct a study on current operations of existing services and make recommended changes that will increase ridership and overall transit experience for its riders. The study is intended to determine how CATA can fully integrate its transportation services in order to provide enhanced mobility to seniors, low-income, and working families through efficiencies and enhanced routing. | $205,000 |
SC | BERKELEY-CHARLESTON-DORCHESTER COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT | The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments will receive funding to study fixed route and bus rapid transit (BRT) alternatives for the US 52 Corridor connecting the communities of Goose Creek and Moncks Corner in Berkeley County. The BRT study will identify alignments, station locations and guideway features based on criteria related to increased ridership, equitable access, cost and financial effectiveness, local land use policy, regional transportation goals, e-mobility, electric fleets, engineering and safety features and environmental impacts. | $650,000 |
SC | Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority | The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) will receive funding to develop a downtown restoration plan to improve ridership and service quality post pandemic. | $563,800 |
TX | The Woodlands Township | The Woodlands Township, primarily located in Montgomery County, TX, will receive funding to conduct a planning effort to evaluate ways to improve post-COVID-19 service levels across its transit services, improve driver retention, and evaluate the potential of expanding transit services. | $400,000 |
TX | VIA Metropolitan Transit | VIA Metropolitan Transit will receive funding to analyze pre-and post-COVID-19 ridership, travel patterns, rider demographics and service allocation on its route network to identify opportunities to maximize ridership and improve service quality for throughout its transit system. | $780,100 |
TX | Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority | The Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority(CapMetro) will receive funding to assist in developing a training program for its frontline operations staff, including operators, mechanics, supervisors and dispatchers. This will allow CapMetro to incorporate industry best practices into its training program processes. | $780,100 |
TX | City of McAllen | The City of McAllen will receive funding to conduct a study to review its current service levels, as well as the feasibility of high capacity transit for immediate and future implementation of service that would get McAllen to pre-COVID-19 service levels and beyond pre-COVID-19 service levels. | $500,000 |
TX | City of El Paso | The City of El Paso (Sun Metro) will receive funding to conduct a study to explore initiatives that will enhance transit services via cost-effective methods. These enhancements will help attract new users to Sun Metro, stimulate economic activity, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help reduce the effects of climate change. | $450,000 |
TX | City of Lubbock | The City of Lubbock will receive funding to study their current transit priorities and developing a route proposal that prioritizes connecting low income and underserved neighborhoods to all areas of the city. | $300,000 |
TX | City of Brownsville | The City of Brownsville will receive funding to plan and implement microtransit services that will expand Brownsville Metro's service, increase ridership and enhance the publics connectivity to opportunities. | $300,000 |
UT | Utah Transit Authority | The Utah Transit (UTA) will receive funding to study the impact of transit service restoration and future expansions on vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. | $300,000 |
WI | City of Madison | The City of Madison (Metro Transit) will receive funding to develop a plan to restore services to pre-pandemic levels and to do so in a way that improves the quality of service provided to low-income riders and disadvantaged neighborhoods. | $436,170 |
Total Funding:
Last updated: Thursday, September 7, 2023