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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Limiting the Number of Bids

Frequently Asked Questions

How many bidders should I allow to bid? Am I allowed any discretion in the number of bids I solicit?

Micro purchases (less than $3,000) may be obtained by soliciting a single source. All that is necessary is that the price be determined to be fair and reasonable. Under small purchase procedures (less than $100,000) solicitations may be restricted to an “adequate number of sources.” Under formal procurement procedures (over $100,000) the initial solicitation may be sent to an “adequate number of sources;” however, the solicitation must be publicly advertised and responses may not be restricted to a pre-determined number of sources. While each situation is unique, the guiding principle of FTA Circular 4220.1F is to maximize full and open competition. (Revised: August 21, 2009)