U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Announces $14.2 Million TIGER Grant for Milwaukee Streetcar
News Archive
- October 29, 2015
- October 26, 2015
FTA Advances WMATA Metrorail Safety Oversight Measures; Regional Leaders Must Expedite New State Safety Oversight Agency
- October 9, 2015
FTA Issues Updated Emergency Relief Program Manual for Transit Industry
- October 9, 2015
FTA Announces New National Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Ladders of Opportunity Technical Assistance Initiative
- October 5, 2015
Federal Transit Administration Issues Guidance to Public Transportation Agencies on Implementing Americans with Disabilities Act
- October 2, 2015
FTA Accepts Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS) Reports on Fatigue Management and Worker Assaults
- September 30, 2015
Federal Transit Administration Issues Proposed Rule for Transit Agencies to Achieve State of Good Repair, Improve Safety
- September 28, 2015
FTA Announces $93.4 Million Grant Agreement to Expand Sunrail in Central Florida
- September 25, 2015
U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $22.5 Million to Put More Low and No-Emission Vehicles into Service Across America
- September 24, 2015
FTA Approves WMATA Corrective Action Plan to Address Safety Issues, Urges Unwavering Focus on Effective Implementation