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Jamie Pfister

Associate Administrator for Regional Services

Jamie Pfister serves as FTA’s Associate Administrator for Regional Services. In that role, Ms. Pfister provides leadership to FTA’s 10 regional offices, supporting communication and coordination to help administer the multi-billion-dollar federal transit program, including performance management, risk management, and data-driven decision making at the regional level.

Previously, she worked as Associate Administrator for Regional Operations and Program Delivery at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In that role, she oversaw the agency’s 10 regional offices and grant management and operations office, where she was responsible for about two-thirds of NHTSA’s budget, about $600 million annually, to help State Highway Safety Offices advance traffic safety across the country.

Prior to joining NHTSA, Pfister spent 16 years at the FTA and served in a variety of roles. She oversaw the safety of one of the country’s largest heavy rail systems – Washington DC’s Metrorail – and the delivery of FTA’s grant portfolio of approximately $7 billion. During her tenure at FTA, she also spent nine years in FTA’s Atlanta office working closely with the state transportation departments and transit stakeholders across eight southern states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Pfister has a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a master’s degree in business administration from Georgia State University.

Jamie Pfister - Associate Administrator for Regional Services