Locating FTA Documents
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I go to look at the requirements and needs of a land appraisal to turn in to FTA for review?
The BPPM discusses real estate contracts generally in section
FTA Circular 5010.1C – Grants Management, Chapter II-2, paragraph 3, deals with appraisals. We would suggest that you contact your regional FTA office grants manager for further details as to what they might need to see in an appraisal.
I would prefer to use electronic version of DOT-T-95-16, "Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, 1995." Is this available at the FTA web page? Otherwise, how do I obtain a hardcopy?
You can contact the FTA office that manages FTA documents at 202-366-2479.
I understand there is a draft of a new circular under consideration. Is there a version available that shows or provides a narrative summary of the changes to the prior circular?
The full text of proposed Circular 4220.1F can be accessed at www.regulations.gov. Search for the following docket: FTA-2007-29125.
Also accessible at that location is FTA's notice printed at page 55630 in the September 28, 2007, edition of the Federal Register. The notice contains a chapter-by-chapter analysis of the proposed circular, highlighting changes from the current guidance.
On a bid that we have, there is a question asking "the offeror has/has not participated in a previous contract or subcontract" and refers to a clause contained in "USA-DOT-FTA-Master Agreement" authorized by 49 U.S.C. S 5301 et seq. Section 12 Civil Rights Part C. Where can we get this?
The FTA Master Agreements may be accessed here. You can find the current year's MA as well as those of last several years there. The US Code may also be accessed online at: www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/index.html.
How can I access the Code of Federal Regulations where it deals with capacity constraints?
The DPW's Office of Transportation along with the government's attorney are working on a Settlement Agreement with the ADA AD HOC Committee (Plaintiffs). In this agreement the attorney for the Department of Public Works is seeking to understand the requirements of this Code in order to intelligently respond to the claims of the ADA AD Hoc Committee's attorneys.
The CFRs can be accessed online at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collectionCfr.action?collectionCode=CFR. The subpart you are referring to is at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/search/pagedetails.action?granuleId=CFR-2009-title49-vol1-sec37-137&packageId=CFR-2009-title49-vol1. If you need to speak with an FTA attorney, you may call FTA Chief Counsel's Office at 202-366-1936.
You have a great handout employee guide to system security. What are the other handout guides you offer? I would like to have handouts for my operators.
You may want to check the FTA website www.fta.dot.gov. The "Publications" page has Safety and Security a number of publications that might interest you.
I work for a transit agency that wants to award a project management oversite contract based on the FTA model. I have been looking for some information or a copy of the FTA model. I've found the CFR regulations, but that's it. Any assistance is appreciated.
Please contact Mr. James Harper at FTA at (202) 366-1127. Mr. Harper will be able to assist you with the information you are looking for.
Looking for a summary based on Cost/Price Analysis.
We do not have an actual summary of negotiations, but the Pricing Guide for FTA Grantees has an excellent sample format and narrative that should be helpful. You may access the Guide here, under "Online Tools & Resources."
We would like to purchase copies of the following:
UMTA MA-06-0153-85-10
Can you advise how to make the purchase?
These publications may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
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We need to submit Title VI and EEO plans but cannot find the FTA circulars online. Any help?
Circulars are available on FTA's public website on the "FTA Circulars" page or from the "Legislation & Law" landing page. Additional assistance is available by calling (202) 366 4022.
In the most current version of the Best Practices Procedure Manual, the Drug & Alcohol Guidelines refer to 49 CFR 653 and 654. Upon searching the Code of Federal Regulations website for these articles, I notice that they have not been updated since 2000. Is this to say that they are still in effect although they were not put into the year 2002 CFR update? Or are these articles no longer effective? If the latter is true, then what CFR should be referenced in the BPPM's Section 31 (Drug and Alcohol Testing)?
The current rules for drug and alcohol testing are in 49 CFR Part 655.
Where can one obtain information on painting busses, procurements, contracts, etc.?
We would suggest that you contact several transit agencies that operate and maintain buses. They could share with you examples of solicitations and contracts they have used for painting buses. We believe this would be the most helpful place to obtain guidance. We will be in touch with you to furnish the names of individuals we believe may be able to help you. We would also suggest you review the "Best Practices Procurement Manual" (BPPM). The BPPM was developed as a service to FTA grantees to assist them in their procurement operations. The "Requirements" referred to in the BPPM would pertain to those agencies spending Federal grant funds. Although these requirements may not be relevant to your procurement, you may find much that is useful in terms of "best industry practices."
What is the date of the latest version of Circular 2015.1C? Is UMTA C2015.1 still valid?
The Circular you reference (C2015.1) is an old UMTA publication and is no longer valid. We are not aware of any superceding publication by FTA. We noted that the three certifications in Circular 2015.1 are different than the most recent certifications specified in 49 CFR Part 29.
Appendix A of 49 CFR Part 29 contains the "Instructions and Certification" required for "Primary Covered Transactions," which are non-procurement transactions such as grants. Appendix A would pertain to the certification signed by the grantee itself and not to contractors submitting bids or proposals to grantees for third party procurement contracts.
What is the most recent version of the Master Agreement and how can one access it online?
The most recent version of the Master Agreement is available on FTA's website.
How can one obtain a copy of FTA Circular 5010.1C? Is there a central location for all FTA Circulars?
FTA Circular 5010.1C, "Grant Management Guidelines" is available online. Other Circulars are at the FTA website on the "FTA Circulars" page. The Circulars are listed by Circular number by date.
Circular C 4220.1E references 49 CFR part 18 and 49 CFR part 19. Where can I get a copy of these regulations? Are they on the web? Under the FARS part 18 is reserved and part 19 does not agree with the title in the Circular.
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is available on the internet at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collectionCfr.action?collectionCode=CFR. The references in the Circular 4220.1D to 49 CFR parts 18 and 19 deal with the common grant rules, not the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). The FAR are part of the CFR but they are in Title 48 ("Federal Acquisition Regulations") of the CFR, not Title 49 ("Transportation"). You may access all of the CFR at the address above, including the FAR at Title 48 and the Transportation regulations at Title 49.
As we are the purchasing department of AC Transit, we frequently use the Best Practices Procurement Manual as a reference point or background to develop internal procedures. What is the web address for downloading this document? We need the capability to "search" and to "cut and paste".
The Best Practices Procurement Manual may be accessed and downloaded at the FTA website.
I would like to print a Change of Direct Deposit Authorization form from your website, but I've been unable to locate one. We currently receive direct deposits from the FTA for reimbursement for our Senior Bus Program expenses. The City of Kokomo is going to be changing its banking information by May, and I will need to submit the new bank routing number and account number to the FTA to ensure the direct deposits continue once we make our banking change.
Per your request here is an ACH Form so you can update your Transit Administration. The form is located on the Treasury web bank information for your project(s) with the Federal site, Office of Financial Management Services: www.fms.treas.gov
I am looking for the publication, "Safety and Security Management," dated 01-05-2002, to include the section on "Security" in accordance with the requirements of SAFETEA-LU Legislation, in the Department's "Project Management Plans and Status."
Attached please find the current SSMP Handbook (Draft guidance, January 5, 2002). However, FTA is in the process of revising the guidance by issuing a new Circular. We are also attaching the Draft SSMP Circular to this e-mail, and a checklist containing the proposed SSMP sections. Additional information on the Draft Circular is available at DOT's Docket Management System (www.regulations.gov) by entering docket number 25471 in the search field.
If there are any specific questions regarding requirements or applicability, please do not hesitate to contact the FTA's Office of Engineering at 202-366-6471.
What is the current revision of the FTA Master Agreement?
The current FTA Master Agreement is available online.
Is it possible to order a copy of the FTA Best Practices Procurement Manual? We are currently working on a transit project in Petersburg, VA, and would like to obtain a copy of this manual.
FTA only publishes the BPPM online, so hard copies are not available.
Do you have a standard RFP for transit services? I am putting together an RFP for the New City of Doral Trolley and would like to see some examples.
We would suggest that you contact your regional FTA office for assistance. They can advise you of other transit agencies in your region that are procuring transit services. You may want to ask these agencies for the RFPs they have used to contract for these types of services.
How can I get a copy of 31 U.S.C. Section 3801 et seq.? A subcontractor won't sign the Lower-Tier form until they see what this says.
FTA does not have printed copies of the United States Code (U.S.C.) available; however, if you wish to have a printed copy of the U.S.C. you may obtain it from the Government Printing Office: http://uscode.house.gov/about/uscaddr.shtml or http://bookstore.gpo.gov/actions/GeneralSearch.do?criteria='United+States+Code'
To download and print the relevant material, visit 31 U.S.C. 3801 - Definitions.
Where do we find a published list of Federal enclaves so when we are bidding we can be sure that we abide by Federal only standards on the appropriate projects?
The only list of federal enclaves we can find dates is from the 1950s published by the US GPO. You might contact the Government Printing Office to see if they have any such current listing but it appears that you may have to research every location on a case-by-case basis. One researcher on Google several years ago wrote that she had the same problem – she could find no listings.
I have just been referred to FTC Circular 4220.1F to be used in lieu of FTC Circular 4220.1E. Where can I find FTC Circular 4220 1F?
The FTA public website has the Circular 4220.1F. (Posted: March 2009)
Where do we find a copy of FTA Circular 4220.13#9? A NY County is asking that the work performed be in accordance with this Circular.
We believe you may want FTA Procurement Circular 4220.1F, which prescribes FTA requirements for grantee procurements, including A&E contracts. (Posted: January 2010)
Where can I get a copy of the latest master agreement? Are there templates that can be used to develop contracts and RFPs for construction projects? This is our second year using 5307 funds and first time to use 5307 to fund a construction project. We have no experience at all developing contracts and RFPs that meet FTA/ARRA requirements.
This request for technical assistance should go to the FTA Regional Office in Atlanta, which should have some ARRA specialists on hand. The Master Agreement is online, as is information concerning ARRA-funded projects. (Posted: July 2010)
We are requesting a copy of the FTA procurement quality assurance manual ISO 9000 standards and quality requirements for a procurement of new rail cars.
The ISO 9000 Quality Standards Manual is not an FTA document. You can obtain this document from the American National Standards Institute. (Posted: September, 2010)
Is FTA C 4220.1F, last revised February 15, 2011, the most current version of this circular?
The current version of the Circular is Circular 4220.1F with revisions through March 2013. (Posted: August, 2013)