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Procurement Policies and Procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Could you please provide a sample written procurement policy for a small transit system that is looking to adopt a simple policy that insures compliance with FTA requirements?

A. We are forwarding a procurement policy manual that was developed for the Lackawanna County Transit System after an FTA Procurement System Review for your guidance. We believe this covers the various policy requirements in FTA Circular 4220.1F but it will have to be modified to reflect your particular organizational responsibilities.

We would also refer you to the “Procurement System Self-Assessment Guide for Grantees.” This Guide will help you identify the specific procurement policy requirements in FTA Circular 4220.1F that you must address in your procurement policies and procedures. (Posted: June, 2012)

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Q. Common Grant Rules -- A Transit Agency governed by a Board of Directors: Does the Transit Agency have to have Board approved Procurement Regulations or can Agency staff create their own Procurement Guidelines to follow? Must the guidelines for a procurement be board approved?

A. FTA requires written procurement policies and procedures. FTA does not prescribe the organizational level (e.g., General Manager, Board of Directors, etc.) within the grantee's organization that must approve the policies and procedures, but the procedures must be approved by the individual in the organization that has responsibility to approve them. (Posted: January, 2013)

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Q. Could you please provide a sample written procurement policy for a small transit system that is looking to adopt a simple policy that insures compliance with FTA requirements?

A. We are forwarding a Procurement Policy and Procedures Manual that was developed for a small transit agency with FTA assistance. (Posted: November, 2013)

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Q. Could you please provide 2-3 examples of a sample written procurement policy for a small transit system that would ensure compliance with FTA procurement requirements? Your website says that you forwarded these types of policies to requesters in June 2012 and November 2013 but they are not posted on your website.

A. Attached is a Procurement Policy and Procedures Manual developed for a grantee that was reviewed and approved by FTA as being in compliance with FTA's Procurement Circular requirements.
(Posted: October, 2015)

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Q. In a previous question, someone asked for an example of a procurement policy for a small transit system. The answer mentioned forwarding a policy that was developed for a small transit agency with FTA assistance. Could you forward that policy to me as well?

A. We are sending you the Procurement Manual you requested. (Posted: November, 2015)

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