Frequently Asked Questions
I am a Field Supervisor for R&D Transportation Services, Inc. and would like to get certified as a Paratransit Operator Trainer. Could you advise me of any Instructor courses for this training?
The National Transit Institute (NTI) at Rutgers University is funded by a grant from the Federal Transit Administration and conducts training and education programs for the public transit industry. The web page for NTI's course offerings is (Revised: August 12, 2009)
I would like to be trained on the contents of the BPPM. Is there a class that is offered that I can take to become more familiar with what should be included in our contracts as recipients?
To our knowledge there are no courses that are specifically focused on the BPPM. However, the National Transit Institute (NTI) at Rutgers Universality offers procurement courses for FTA grantees that are designed to capture FTA requirements and these courses often make reference to the BPPM. The NTI can be found online: (Posted: February 2009)
We have developed a service that provides a hosted e-Learning solution to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of e Learning in a transit environment. The end result is a better-trained work force in less time. Is it possible to identify grantees that have requested and/or received grants to improve the training programs at their respective Transit Authority?
In response to your question concerning transit agencies that may have received grants for training, FTA does not maintain such a database. (Posted: March 2009)
We are interested in knowing if there is any training available for procurement staff in regards to procurement procedures for monitoring turn key design build projects; i.e., projects that would involve the procurement/construction of light rail, along with the infrastructure, facilities construction, procurement of rail cars etc. and necessary equipment to establish a rail system in the surrounding area.
We would direct you to the National Transit Institute (NTI), which is housed at Rutgers University in New Jersey and is the designated point of entry for all transit training and education. They will be able to assist in identifying the proper course for the requirements you listed below, as well as tell you when courses are scheduled, or you may qualify to host a course at your installation/organization. (Posted: January, 2013)
Please address your inquiry to either or both of the following:
Paul Larrousse
732 932-1700, ext. 257
Barbara Van Dyke
Program Coordinator
732 932-1700, ext. 211
Our internal audit staff needs training in auditing our FTA-funded, cost-type contracts. What courses are available that would best provide that training?
We would suggest Management Concepts. They offer excellent training courses for U.S. Government contract auditors. You will find them online at: (Posted: February, 2013)