Examples of Integrating Bicycles With Transit
Washington DC Union Station Bike Transit Center
The Union Station Bike Transit Center provides secure 24/7 access to sheltered bike parking, an onsite bicycle store, a locker room, and bike rentals adjacent to Union Station, a terminal for numerous bus, rail, and subway lines. The design has won several architectural awards for its context-sensitive design.
To learn more:
Bicycle Parking | ddot
San Francisco, CA Area Bike/Transit Accommodations
Both the Caltrain and BART rail systems feature special areas for storing bicycles on board, offer bike stations and other bike parking options, and Caltrains has no peak-hour restrictions on bringing bikes on board. In response to the growing use of bicycles to access Caltrain stations, a planned bikesharing program will provide another bicycling option to reach five stations.
To learn more:
Bikes on BART
Minneapolis – St. Paul , MN Bicycle Racks
Every bus, light rail, and commuter train operated by MetroTransit has designated space or racks for bringing bicycles on board, and does not restrict bikes on board at any times of day. The Northstar Commuter train also features online maps with suggested bicycle routes to each of its stations.
To learn more:
Bike Options - Metro Transit