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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Shared Mobility Frequently Asked Questions

In response to increasing interest from the transit industry in partnering with on-demand, shared mobility services such as ride-hailing companies, the FTA has identified FAQs about: 

To enhance understanding of the issue, we assembled Shared Mobility definitions. FTA encourages you to send your comments and questions to

Shared Mobility Eligibility Under FTA’s grant programs

Shared Mobility and the Americans with Disabilities Act

Shared Mobility Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Requirements

Under federal transit law (49 U.S.C. § 5331), public transportation operations that receive financial assistance under FTA’s Urbanized Area,  Capital Investment Grant program and Rural Area programs must conduct controlled substance and alcohol testing of employees responsible for safety-sensitive functions, such as operating, dispatching, and maintaining revenue service vehicles. These FAQs describe the extent to which ride-sourcing companies are subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements. For questions, contact Iyon Rosario, FTA’s Drug and Alcohol Program Manager.