Final rule.
Each of the Department of Transportation's drug and alcohol testing rules include requirements for select employers to submit drug and alcohol testing data to five Department of Transportation (DOT) agencies. In the past, these employers have been required to use agency-specific Management Information System (MIS) forms for this purpose, twenty-one different forms in all. The Department recently published a final rule revising these DOT agency MIS forms and transforming them into a single one-page form for use throughout all the DOT agencies. The requirement for use of the form is now in 49 CFR part 40. By this action, the DOT agencies endorse the use of this single form within their regulated industries, provide their regulated employers with guidance for submission of the form, and amend their rules accordingly. The DOT agencies are: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA); Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); Federal Transit Administration (FTA); Federal Railroad Administration (FRA); and Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA).