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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

National Technical Assistance Center for Senior Transportation: Solicitation for Proposals

Notice; request for proposals.

This solicitation seeks proposals from national not-for-profit organizations for a cooperative agreement to maintain and continue to implement the National Technical Assistance Center for Senior Transportation (National Senior Center or Center). The National Senior Center was enabled by statute under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users (SAFETEA-LU) in July 2005. The major goal of the National Senior Center is to gather best practices from senior transportation programs throughout the Nation and assist local communities, states and other organizations in successfully meeting the transportation needs of seniors including planning for an integrated transportation program. This cooperative agreement is for a five-year award. The first year of the cooperative agreement is for nine-hundred and ninety-eight thousand dollars ($998,000) from funds appropriated in Fiscal Year 2011. Subsequent funding will be based on annual appropriations and future authorization of the program. This notice describes how to apply and the criteria the interagency review panel will use to evaluate the proposals received. This announcement is available on the FTA's Web site and on the United We Ride (UWR) Web page at: FTA will announce the final selection on the UWR Web site and in the Federal Register. A synopsis of this announcement will be posted in the FIND module of the government-wide electronic grants Web site at http:// www.Grants.Gov. Proposals must be submitted to FTA, electronically, through the GRANTS.GOV "APPLY" function.

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