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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Allocation of Public Transportation Emergency Relief Funds in Response to Hurricane Sandy

Notice of allocation of Emergency Relief funds.

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the allocation of $2,000,000,000 under the Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program (Emergency Relief Program, Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance <greek-i>20.527) for FTA recipients affected by Hurricane Sandy, which impacted the northeastern seaboard in October 2012 and had a particularly devastating impact on transit systems in New York and New Jersey. FTA is allocating funds as outlined in a Notice of Availability of Emergency Relief Funds published in the Federal Register on February 6, 2013 (78 FR 8691), and consistent with the requirements of the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (Appropriations Act, Pub. L. 113-2). Concurrently with this notice of allocations, FTA is publishing in today's Federal Register an interim final rule (IFR) for the Emergency Relief Program (49 CFR Part 602). This rule outlines general program requirements that will apply to all funds allocated in this notice and to subsequent grant awards under this program. The rule takes effect immediately. FTA's Emergency Relief Program was authorized by Congress in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21, Pub. L. 112- 141) and provides FTA with primary responsibility for reimbursing emergency response and recovery costs after an emergency or major disaster that affects public transportation systems. The Appropriations Act provides $10.9 billion for FTA's Emergency Relief Program for recovery, relief and resiliency efforts for public transportation in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. As a result of the Budget Control Act of 2011 (Pub. L. 112-25), five percent of the $10.9 billion made available under the Appropriations Act ($545,000,000) is subject to the significant spending cuts known as sequestration and is unavailable for Hurricane Sandy disaster relief. The Appropriations Act requires that not more than $2 billion shall be made available no later than March 30, 2013. With this notice, FTA is allocating the initial $2 billion, excluding funds to be used for program implementation and oversight, to recipients affected by Hurricane Sandy (affected recipients) for eligible emergency response and recovery costs. In the February 6, 2013, Federal Register notice, FTA instructed affected recipients to submit requests for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred in advance of January 29, 2013, and for the costs of contract work advertised and force account work budgeted prior to January 29, 2013. FTA announced individual allocations on a rolling basis beginning March 6, 2013. Table 1 shows a summary of the allocations made in this notice. Table 2 shows the allocation for each affected recipient. In addition to funds allocated for the reimbursement of costs meeting the above criteria, FTA is allocating the remainder of the initial $2 billion, based on the anticipated cost of recovery for each affected recipient. These funds are available for eligible emergency operations, emergency protective measures, and emergency and permanent repairs to and replacement of assets that suffered serious damage as a result of the storm. Recipients should develop a list of eligible projects, consistent with the Emergency Relief Program rule, at 49 CFR Sec. 602.17, and review the list of projects with the applicable FTA Regional Office prior to submitting a grant application in FTA's Transportation Electronic Award Management (TEAM) system. FTA granted affected recipients pre-award authority for projects eligible for the initial $2 billion allocation in the February 6, 2013 Federal Register notice. Prior to exercising pre-award authority, recipients are encouraged to work with the appropriate Regional Office to ensure that the applicable Federal requirements are followed. All allocations, including these pro-rated allocations, are included in Table 2. Guidance regarding project eligibility and determinations regarding applicability of certain FTA requirements issued in the February 6, 2013 notice will only apply to costs incurred prior to January 29, 2013, and to other expenses that meet the requirements specified in that notice for inclusion under Category One, Two or Three. Recipients may request waivers of FTA administrative requirements by submitting a request to FTA docket number FTA-2013-0001, as described in the February 6, 2013 Federal Register notice, and in the Emergency Relief Program rule at 49 CFR Sec. 602.15, however, recipients should not proceed with a project under the expectation that waivers will be provided. Additional program requirements, considerations and grant application procedures specific to these funds are included in this notice.

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