Notice of intent to transfer Federally assisted facility.
Section 5334(h) of the Federal Transit Laws, as codified, 49 U.S.C. 5301, et. seq., permits the Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to authorize a recipient of FTA funds to transfer land or a facility to a public body for any public purpose with no further obligation to the Federal Government if, among other things, no Federal agency is interested in acquiring the asset for Federal use. Accordingly, FTA is issuing this Notice to advise Federal agencies that the City of Newark, Ohio, (City) intends to transfer a facility and land located at 295 Wilson Street, Newark, Ohio, to the Licking County Board of Commissioners. The City can no longer use the properties because they are no longer operating transit, and will no longer be the recipient of FTA grants. The buildings were purchased with the intention to be utilized for administrative offices and the storage of vehicles for the City's Transit Department. The buildings have been vacant for more than five (5) years in need of rehabilitation, and the transfer will allow the properties to be put to good use. The Licking County Board of Commissioners will be utilizing the buildings for their Homeland Security & Emergency Management departments. The Homeland Security department will utilize one of the buildings for their administrative personnel. In addition, the buildings would allow for vehicle storage and is centrally located in the county to substantially improve emergency response times in the county. The site will also be used to store and protect seasonal equipment owned by the county as well. The County also agreed to ensuring that this use be maintained for no less than five (5) years.