Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA): Solicitation of Project Proposals for the Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of $19.98 million of Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 and FY 2014 funds under the Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning as authorized under Section 20005(b) of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Public Law 112-141, July 6, 2012. The program augments FTA's Fixed Guideway Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Program by supporting comprehensive planning associated with new fixed guideway and core capacity improvement projects that will help the projects develop information to address the CIG Program's evaluation criteria and thus be more competitive for that program's funding. This notice solicits proposals to compete for FY 2013 and FY 2014 funding under the Pilot Program for TOD Planning and may include additional funds made available under future appropriations. It outlines the process to apply for funding, identifies FTA's priorities for these discretionary funds, and establishes the criteria FTA will use to identify meritorious projects for funding. This announcement is available on the FTA Web site at: FTA may announce final selections on the Web site and in the Federal Register. Additionally, a synopsis of this funding opportunity will be posted in the FIND module of the government-wide electronic grants (GRANTS.GOV) Web site at http://