Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company (Metro-North) intend to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), on a proposal by Metro-North to undertake transportation improvements to its Harlem Line between Mount Vernon West and Crestwood Stations (the ``Mid-Harlem Third Track Project'' or the ``Proposed Action''). Metro-North's Harlem Line, extending 76.6 miles from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan north through the Bronx, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties, is the most densely traveled line in the Metro-North system. Metro-North is fast approaching capacity on the entire Harlem Line due to capacity constraints in the mid-Harlem section. The Mid- Harlem Third Track Project will allow Metro-North to maintain, improve and expand service for all Harlem Line customers, future users and the region well into the 21st Century. The Mid-Harlem Third Track Project includes Build Alternatives which entail the upgrade of an existing third track between Mount Vernon West and Fleetwood and the construction of a 2.5 mile third track between Fleetwood and Crestwood Stations. The Proposed Action includes a Build Alternative preferred by Metro-North which will be identified throughout the NEPA process as the ``Preferred Alternative.'' In addition to the Preferred Alternative, the EIS will evaluate the No-Build Alternative, three (3) Build Alternatives, and three (3) Operational Alternatives, as well as any other reasonable alternative(s) raised during the scoping process. Scoping for the Mid-Harlem Third Track Project will be accomplished through correspondence with interested persons and organizations, as well as with federal, state and local agencies. One (1) public scoping meeting will be conducted. A draft Scoping Document will be made available to those persons and agencies and may be obtained by contacting the person designated below.