Notice of intent and public scoping meetings.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is issuing this notice to advise the public that a Major Investment Study (MIS) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) will be prepared for transportation improvements in West Valley City, Utah. These improvements will be in a broad corridor encompassing the northern half of West Valley City and the western half of South Salt Lake. The study will include transportation connections to other parts of the metropolitan area in Salt Lake County, Utah. Two scoping meetings will be held on Wednesday, July 9, 1997, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and from 6:00- 8:00 p.m. in the West Valley City Council Chambers, 3600 Constitution Boulevard, West Valley City, Utah, as part of the preparation of the MIS/DEIS. A 45-day scoping period will begin on June 4, 1997 and conclude on July 18, 1997.