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National Technical Assistance Center for Parks and Public Lands

Notice: Request for Proposals.

This solicitation is for proposals from organizations to implement a National Technical Assistance Center for Alternative Transportation in Public Lands. The Center is to assist the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in the coordinated provision of technical assistance under the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks program. The Center is to develop, administer, distribute, and oversee multiple technical assistance products to support land management agencies, States, and local and tribal governments in alternative transportation projects serving federally managed parks and public lands. Organizations that submit proposals should have technical assistance expertise and experience in transportation planning, coordination and operations on parks and public lands. FTA will award a cooperative agreement (one base year plus two option years) for an estimated amount of $4,500,000. The funding is authorized under section 3021(d)(1) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and subsequently appropriated. For the first year of the project, $1,500,000 will be made available. Funding for subsequent years will be based on available annual appropriations as well as annual performance reviews. Use of Funds: The organization selected shall (1) provide on-demand and proactive technical assistance in alternative transportation project-level scoping, planning, and operations; (2) provide training and workshops; (3) perform outreach, communications, and coordination of services to support land management agencies in planning processes; (4) maintain a central repository of resources and disseminate resources; (5) support the project evaluation process; (6) convene and collaborate with an interagency peer review group; and (7) perform project administration and management.

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