Advance notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments.
In an effort toward greater transparency and to ensure integrity in public investments, FTA today publishes an advance notice of proposed rulemaking on capital project management. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is considering a revision of its Project Management Oversight (PMO) rule, shifting its focus from project oversight only to project management and oversight. A revised Part would more clearly identify necessary project management skills needed to be demonstrated by project sponsors for all fixed guideway capital projects, as well as additional requirements that would apply only to the more complex major capital projects, and distinguish project characteristics that would require documentation of project plans and implementation strategies in a project management plan, as well as the use of FTA's Project Management Oversight Contractors (PMOCs). Beginning the rulemaking process to update its project management rule will aid some key agency priorities. It will help ensure integrity and accountability in its construction grant programs, and it will provide data the agency can use in its efforts to streamline its discretionary capital project approval process. FTA seeks to elicit a broad array of comments from project sponsors, the industry, other stakeholders, and the public on a number of subjects.