Notice of Limitation on Claims.
This notice announces final environmental actions taken by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the following projects: (1) Main Street Multi-Modal Access Project, Buffalo, New York; (2) Multi- modal Transit Facility, San Angelo, Texas; (3) East Corridor Project, Denver, Aurora, Adams County, Colorado; (4) Gold Line Corridor Project, Denver, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Adams County, Jefferson County, Colorado; (5) Lackawanna Cut-off Passenger Rail Service Restoration Project, New Jersey Transit Corporation, New Jersey; (6) Pennsauken Junction Transit Center Park and Ride, Camden County, New Jersey; (7) Second Avenue Subway, modifications to the 72nd Street and 86th Street Station Entrances, New York, New York; (8) 35th Street Commuter Station, Chicago Illinois; (9) Provo Inter-modal Center, Provo City, Utah; (10) Southside Maintenance Facility Replacement Project, Norfolk, Virginia; (11) Knoxville Station Transit Center, Knoxville, Tennessee; and (12) AMTRAN Transit Facility Expansion Project, Altoona, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this notice is to announce publicly the environmental decisions by FTA on the subject projects and to activate the limitation on any claims that may challenge these final environmental actions.