FTA 2019 Bus TAM Roundtable
September 4-5, 2019
FTA hosted the tenth transit asset management (TAM) roundtable at Marriott St. Louis Grand in St. Louis, MO on September 4-5, 2019.
The TAM Bus Roundtable brought together practitioners from transit agencies across the country who are directly involved in asset management. The event was designed for larger tier I agencies, and focused on more complex and mature issues related to TAM implementation. The meeting provided an opportunity for agencies to share lessons learned through the asset management process, and gain valuable insights from peers.
Keynote Address: Bi-State Development and Metro Transit Leadership
- Bus Roundtable Keynote Address (Taulby Roach, Bi-State Development & Jessica Mefford-Miller, Metro Transit)
FTA TAM Program Updates
- Transit Asset Management (Alexandra Galanti, FTA)
Nuts and Bolts: Data, Target Setting, and Statewide/Regional Coordination
- Our TAM Approach (Darla Smith & Brad Menil, San Joaquin RTD)
- TAM Target Setting and Coordination (John Xie, Foothill Transit)
- Missouri DOT TAM (Joni Roeseler, MoDOT)
Connecting TAM to Business Practices
- Connecting TAM to Business Practices (Debbie Swickard, SARTA)
- The COMET Central Midlands Transit (John Andoh, The COMET)
- Starting with Asset Data and Finance (Chris Ward, TARC)