State of Good Repair Grants - 5337

Program Overview
The formula component of the State of Good Repair Grants Program (49 U.S.C. 5337) provides capital assistance for maintenance, replacement, and rehabilitation projects of high-intensity fixed guideway and motorbus systems to help transit agencies maintain assets in a state of good repair in urbanized areas. Additionally, State of Good Repair formula grants are eligible for developing and implementing Transit Asset Management plans. An urbanized area is one that has been defined and designated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, as an 'Urban Area' with a population of 50,000 or more.
In addition to the formula allocation, the State of Good Repair program (49 U.S.C. 5337) includes the competitive Rail Vehicle Replacement Grant Program. Please see the competitive program website for more information.
- FY 2023: $4,183,665,069
- FY 2022: $4,111,504,865
- FY 2021: $2,709,868,484
- FY 2020: $2,656,960,385
- FY 2019: $2,872,353,190
- FY 2018: $2,963,766,522
- FY 2017: $2,524,173,300
- FY 2016: $2,481,930,000
- FY 2015: $2,150,118,711
Eligible Recipients
Funding for urbanized areas with a population of 200,000 or more is made available to designated recipients that are public bodies with the legal authority to receive and dispense federal funds. For urbanized areas with a population of 200,000 or more, governors, responsible local officials, and providers of publicly owned public transportation service select a designated recipient to receive and apportion funds to eligible projects and recipients within the urbanized area.
Funding for urbanized areas with a population of between 50,000 and 199,999 is made available to a State's or territory's governor or governor's designee. For urbanized areas with a population of less than 200,000, the governor or governor's designee is responsible for receiving and apportioning funds to eligible projects and recipients.
Eligible recipients are states, local government authorities, or other public entities in urbanized areas with fixed guideway and/or high-intensity motorbus systems in revenue service for at least seven full federal fiscal years prior to the beginning of the federal fiscal year of the apportionment.
Eligible Activities
State of Good Repair Grants funds are available for capital projects that maintain a fixed guideway or a high-intensity motorbus system in a state of good repair, including projects to replace, rebuild, maintain, and rehabilitate:
- rolling stock
- track
- line equipment and structures
- signals and communications
- power equipment and substations
- passenger stations and terminals
- security equipment and systems
- maintenance facilities and equipment; and
- operational support equipment, including computer hardware and software.
Funds may also be used to develop and implement transit asset management plans.
Statutory References
49 U.S.C. 5337
Funding Availability
Funds are available for obligation for four fiscal years. This includes the fiscal year in which the amount is made available or appropriated plus three additional years.
Allocation of Funding
Funding is apportioned based on statutory formulas. The funds allocated to the UZAs for high-intensity fixed-guideway systems are based on fixed-guideway vehicle revenue miles and directional route miles reported to the National Transit Database (NTD) and what the UZA would have received in the FY 2011 fixed-guideway modernization formula using the current definition of fixed guideway. High-intensity motorbus funds are allocated to UZAs based on high-intensity vehicle revenue miles and directional route miles reported to the NTD.
The federal share for eligible capital expenses is not to exceed 80 percent of the net project cost.