Bus Rapid Transit in Minnesota
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Workshop
The Federal Transit Administration and the National Transit Institute (NTI) sponsored a two-day Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Workshop on November 13-14, 2002 at Hennepin County, Minnesota. The workshop focused on educating local officials and decision makers about the different components and strategies that go into the development of a BRT system. The workshop entailed four breakout groups using a format designed to include issues, opportunities, problems and coordination. The University of South Florida led the BRT breakout sessions. BRT topics included facilities/stations/park and ride; lane configuration and roadway priority; downtown integration, and transit oriented development. Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis, is examining the feasibility of implementing a BRT line extending from downtown MN along County Road 81 to the City of Rogers, 22 miles to the north of Minneapolis.
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