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Transit Automation Research Resources

Through the implementation of multiple Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plans, FTA’s Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation is developing resources on transit bus automation. These resources are categorized into different types (i.e., case study, report, webinar) and indexed below.

Type Resource
Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update Q3 2024 - November 2024

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the third quarter of calendar year 2024 (July - September).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update Q2 2024 - August 2024

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the second quarter of calendar year 2024 (April - June).

Case Study

Houston Metro Shuttle of the Future: Mid-Size Level 4 Autonomous and Zero Emission Shuttle Bus Deployment - August 2024

This document provides an overview of Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County's (Houston METRO) Accelerating Innovation Mobility (AIM) project. The goal of the Houston METRO Shuttle of the Future is to develop and demonstrate a mid-size level 4 autonomous zero emission shuttle to serve as a first/last mile community connector to those areas with a historically underserved population.

Case Study

Automation Bus Yard Parking and Recall Demonstration - August 2024

This document provides an overview of Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority's (PSTA) Automated Transit Bus Maintenance and Yard Operations Demonstration Project. The objective of this project is to demonstrate how autonomy can be used in a bus yard setting to enhance safety and efficiency of operations considering staff shortages experienced by transit agencies across the nation.

Case Study

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Pilot Project for Large Transit Buses - August 2024

This document provides an overview of the University of Alabama's Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Transit Buses Demonstration Project.  The University of Alabama will team with Perrone Robotics Inc. to deploy ADAS technologies in both diesel and electric buses and assess technology readiness and effectiveness to identify feasible technology transfer routes for general transit agencies.

Case Study

CapMetro Yard Automation Research and Deployment (YARD) Program - August 2024

This document provides an overview of the Capital Metropolitan Authority's (CapMetro) Automated Transit Bus Maintenance and Yard Operations Demonstration Project. CapMetro intends to identify potential benefits and efficiencies of automating a Battery Electric Bus (BEB) fleet through the YARD demonstration program.

Case Study

ADAS for Bustang Intercity and Regional Bus Transit - August 2024

This document provides an overview of the Colorado Department of Transportation's Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Transit Buses Demonstration Project. The project goals include improving public transit safety and reliability, reducing congestion, promoting economic vitality in rural areas, and providing workforce support through a deeper understanding and practical application of ADAS.

Case Study

ADAS Safety and Accessibility Deployment Project - August 2024

This document provides an overview of Connecticut Department of Transportation's (CTDOT) Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Transit Buses Demonstration Project. This project will expand an existing FTA sponsored transit automation program along the CTfastrak fixed guideway, incorporating ADAS features to enhance safety and accessibility throughout the CTfastrak local bus network.


Strategic Transit Automation Research Plan 2.0: 2023-2028 - May 2024

The Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plan 2.0 is a successor to the original 2018 STAR Plan. It builds upon the work accomplished from the 2018 STAR Plan (referred to now as STAR Plan 1.0) and provides strategic research and demonstration framework for the next five years to advance driving automation systems that meet public transportation needs. 


Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update Q1 2024 - March 2024

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the first quarter of calendar year 2024 (January - March).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - December 2023

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the fourth quarter of calendar year 2023 (October - December)

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - September 2023

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the third quarter of calendar year 2023 (July - September).


Lincoln Tunnel Exclusive Bus Lane Connected Automated Bus Proof-of-Concept Demonstration Project - September 2023

This report presents the results of the Society of Automotive Engineers' designated Level 3 connected automated bus proof of concept demonstration project to improve the operation of the contraflow Lincoln Tunnel exclusive bus lane along NJ Route 495. 


Transit Bus Automation Market Assessment - September 2023

This report presents the state of transit bus automation technology in terms of its availability, capabilities, and limitations. 

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - June 2023

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the second quarter of calendar year 2023 (April - June).


Interactive PowerPoint Training to Improve Safety Driver Awareness while Operating a Transit Vehicle Equipped with Driving Automation Features - June 2023

This report presents the development of a low-cost error training program to improve hazard anticipation, hazard mitigation, and attention maintenance during pilot testing of advanced driver assistance and automated driving technologies at transit agencies. 


Arlington Rideshare, Automation, and Payment Integration Demonstration (RAPID) - April 2023

This report presents the results of the Arlington Rideshare, Automation, and Payment Integration Demonstration (RAPID) project. This project integrates a shared, dynamically routed automated vehicle (AV) fleet into an existing public rideshare system in Arlington, Texas.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - March 2023

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the first quarter of calendar year 2023 (January - March).


Considerations for Partnering on Emerging Public Transportation Technology Projects - January 2023

This report provides a brief overview of challenges identified and lessons learned from public sector interactions with private sector technology companies on transit vehicle automation pilots and demonstrations conducted between 2018 and 2022.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - December 2022

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the fourth quarter of calendar year 2022 (October - December).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - September 2022

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the third quarter of calendar year 2022 (July - September).


Accessibility in Transit Bus Automation: Scan of Current Practices and Ongoing Research - August 2022

This report provides a summary of current accessibility practices among transit bus automation demonstrations and pilot projects. It also discusses ongoing research on technologies that may enhance the accessibility of future automated buses and services.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - June 2022

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the second quarter of calendar year 2022 (April - June).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - March 2022

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the first quarter of calendar year 2022 (January - March).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - December 2021

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the fourth quarter of calendar year 2021 (October – December).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - September 2021

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the third quarter of calendar year 2021 (July – September).


An Evaluation of the Valley Metro–Waymo Automated Vehicle RideChoice Mobility on Demand Demonstration - August 2021

This report documents the evaluation of Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority's (Valley Metro) pilot that used Waymo autonomous vehicles (AVs) as certified vehicles for Valley Metro’s RideChoice program, a subsidized curb-to-curb individual mobility service (via taxi or ride-hailing services) for paratransit-certified people under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and for older adults age 65 and over living in Greater Phoenix. FTA funded the evaluation as a part of FTA’s Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox program.  The project was one of the Strategic Partnerships outlined in FTA’s Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plan.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - June 2021

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the second quarter of calendar year 2021 (April – June).


Survey Research for Automated Shuttle Pilots: Issues and Challenges - May 2021

This report reviews survey development approaches used by recent projects and provides discussion for the development of future surveys across three key areas—survey population, survey approach, and questionnaire design.


Insurance and Liability for Automated Transit Buses: State of the Practice Review - April 2021

This report provides an overview of the state of the practice related to insurance and liability for automated transit buses and discusses the options available and the process to secure a policy, based on interviews with and information from insurance industry representatives and stakeholders.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - March 2021

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the first quarter of calendar year 2021 (January to March).


Assessing Transit Providers’ Internal Business Case for Transit Bus Automation - February 2021

This report explores how transit providers make decisions and assess their internal business case for transit bus automation. It aims to inform transit agencies and other transit industry stakeholders interested in understanding how agencies are approaching automation decisions.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - December 2020

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the fourth quarter of calendar year 2020 (October – December).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - September 2020

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the third quarter of calendar year 2020 (July – September).


Transit Bus Automation Market Assessment - July 2020

This market assessment communicates the current availability, capabilities, and limitations of automated transit bus technologies and systems at all automation levels.  The report aims to inform transit agencies and other transit industry stakeholders interested in understanding the current transit bus automation market. This report was originally published in October 2019 and an addendum was added to update the report in July 2020.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - June 2020

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the second quarter of calendar year 2020 (April – June).


Hazard and Safety Analysis of Automated Transit Bus Applications - April 2020

This research applies hazard analysis techniques to identify high-level hazards associated with automated transit bus applications, such as entering/exiting bus stops and embarking/disembarking passengers and provides generic risk mitigation functions that may facilitate the safe deployment of automated transit buses.


Transit Bus Automation: State and Local Policy Scan Final Report - April 2020

This report documents the results of research and stakeholder interviews on State and local policies, with a focus on those that may pose challenges to, or require revision in light of, the deployment of transit bus automation technologies by U.S. transit agencies. Through this process, insight was also gained on State- and local-level perspectives regarding barriers and challenges that are relevant at the Federal level.

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - March 2020

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the first quarter of calendar year 2020 (January – March).

Quarterly Update

Transit Bus Automation Quarterly Update - December 2019

This document highlights transit bus automation activities from the fourth quarter of calendar year 2019 (October – December).


Considerations for Evaluating Automated Transit Bus Programs - December 2019

This report offers guidance for transit agency consideration in evaluating deployments of transit bus automation technologies. This report seeks to inform transit agency officials on how to think about and design an appropriate evaluation, while also remaining aware of the constraints faced by agencies.

Case Study

Transit Automation Case Study: Valley Metro – December 2019

This case study describes Valley Metro’s pilot project to provide its RideChoice customers with on-demand service in automated vans.

Case Study

Transit Automation Case Study: Pierce Transit – December 2019

This case study describes Pierce Transit’s pilot project to test a prototype automatic emergency braking system in up to 30 of its transit buses.
Case Study

Transit Automation Case Study: Jacksonville Transportation Authority – December 2019

This case study describes Jacksonville Transportation Authority’s testing of multiple automated shuttle models as part of a longer-term project to modernize the Jacksonville Skyway automated people mover.


Transit Bus Automation Market Assessment Webinar – November 2019

This webinar discusses the Transit Bus Automation Market Assessment report. Presenters discuss the state of automated transit bus technology in terms of its availability, capabilities, and limitations, and challenges to developing and commercializing automated vehicle technology for transit buses.


Transit Bus Automation Policy FAQs - July 2019

This document contains a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can assist grantees and stakeholders when planning for or implementing transit bus automation activities.

Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Determining Requirements for Automated Transit Bus Test Facilities: Considerations for Practitioners - May 2019

This fact sheet summarizes the findings of the Determining Requirements for Automated Transit Bus Test Facilities: Considerations for Practitioners report, which lists 91 requirements that provide a resource and reference for selecting facilities with the appropriate and necessary characteristics for the testing of automated transit buses for all levels of automation.

Determining Requirements for Automated Transit Bus Test Facilities: Considerations for Practitioners – February 2019

This report lists 91 requirements that provide a resource and reference for selecting facilities with the appropriate and necessary characteristics for the testing of automated transit buses for all levels of automation.
Fact Sheet

Transit Bus Automation Risks, Barriers, and Mitigations Fact sheet – February 2019

This fact sheet summarizes the potential risks, barriers, and mitigation strategies associated with the implementation of automation technologies in transit buses.
Fact Sheet

Transferability of Automation Technologies – October 2018

This fact sheet summarizes the findings of the Transferability of Automation Technologies report, which examined the feasibility of transferring automated systems technologies from light-duty vehicles and commercial trucks to diesel transit buses.

Transferability of Automation Technologies – September 2018

This report examines the feasibility of transferring 13 current automated systems technologies from light-duty vehicles and commercial trucks to diesel transit buses.
Fact Sheet

Transit Bus Automation Overview Fact sheet – February 2018

This fact sheet provides an overview of transit bus automation and FTA’s transit automation research program.

Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plan – January 2018

The STAR Plan outlines an FTA research agenda for transit bus automation over five years (2017-2022). The plan provides a framework for the transit industry to pursue transit bus automation in a safe, efficient and economically sound manner.

Introducing FTA’s Strategic Transit Automation Research (STAR) Plan – December 2017

This webinar introduces FTA’s STAR Plan and provides an overview of the plan’s purpose, activities and goals.