Third State of Good Repair Roundtable
July 20-22, 2011
The Third State of Good Repair Roundtable meeting was jointly hosted by the Metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transit Authority (MARTA) and the FTA in Atlanta, Georgia, from July 20-22, 2011. There were over 100 participants including representatives from over 40 transit agencies, consultants and FTA employees.
Following welcoming remarks from Dr. Yvette Taylor, FTA’s Regional Administrator, Region 4, the Roundtable began with FTA Deputy Administrator, Therese McMillan and the President of MARTA, Dr. Beverly Scott addressing the participants. Ms. McMillan in her remarks emphasized the commitment of the DOT and the FTA to working with the industry in addressing transit SGR needs. Dr. Beverley Scott in her address outlined the importance of SGR in providing the service needs of the traveling public. A tour of MARTA’s rail transit system occurred on the first day, followed by presentations and discussions in the next two days.
The presentations from the transit agencies focused on their current SGR practices and planned upgrades to their systems especially with funds received from the FTA. The presentation by FTA and FTA consultants focused on some of the research activities that the FTA is undertaking to support the industry in advancing SGR. There were also breakout sessions which were intended to help provide input in addressing the following issues:
- Definition of SGR & Safety Critical Assets
- Asset Management Plan Requirements
- Apportionment of Federal Funds to Address SGR Needs
- SFMTA's Asset Inventory Development and Implementation Plans for an Enterprise Asset Management System (Darton Ito & Drew Howard, SFMTA)
- CTA's Plans for Condition Assessment Process Improvements and Enhancement of Their Enterprise Asset Management System (Leah Dawson, CTA)
- SEPTA's Plans for Development of a System-Wide Asset Management Program and Improved Process for Prioritization of Renewal and Replacement Investment Decisions (Jeff Knueppel, SEPTA)
- SGR Formula Options (Mary Martha Churchman, FTA)
- Transit Asset Management Framework Research Project (Parsons Brinckerhoff)
- Condition Assessment Methodology Research (Ron Humphrey, CodeRed Business Solutions & Tracy Beidleman, Metro St. Louis)
- TERM Lite Demonstration (Keith Gates & Rick Laver, FTA)
- Breakout Session Questions - SGR Definitions and Safety Criteria
- Feedback from Breakout Session
- Developing an Asset Management Plan (AMP) - VDRPT Practices and Plans (Terry Brown, DRTP & Eric Ziering, Cambridge Systematics)
- Developing a Transit Inventory/Database - RTA's Practices and Plans (Grace Gallucci & John Goodworth, RTA Chicago)
- Asset Condition Monitoring and Rating - UTA's Practices and Plans (Paul Edwards, UTA)
- Capital Project Prioritization - MBTA's Practices and Plans (Eric Waaramaa, MBTA)
- MARTA's Asset Management System (Dave Sprinstead, John Elsberry & Susan Thomas, MARTA)