CCAM Members
The Secretary of Transportation chairs the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM), and 10 additional department and agency leaders form the rest of the CCAM’s membership. The CCAM members work together to promote accessible, efficient, and effective transportation options to serve the needs of people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. Together, the CCAM members administer 130 federal programs that may fund human services transportation for CCAM’s targeted populations.
Nine of the 11 CCAM members— the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA), Education (ED), Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Interior (DOI), Justice (DOJ), Labor (DOL), Transportation (DOT), and Veterans Affairs (VA)— currently support grant programs that can fund human services transportation. The additional two CCAM members— the National Council on Disability (NCD) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) — provide valuable expertise to enhance the CCAM’s ability to serve its targeted populations. The CCAM departments and agencies include:
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Education
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- National Council on Disability
- Social Security Administration
Department of Agriculture
Transportation connects people to nutrition services and improves the quality of life in rural America by increasing access to communities. USDA programs fund transportation services that connect rural Americans and other USDA beneficiaries to key community facilities and nutrition services.
Relevant Subagencies
Department of Education
Transportation services enable student achievement by promoting equal access to education. ED programs fund transportation services that connect constituents to education opportunities.
Relevant Subagencies
- Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Programs
- Rehabilitation Services Administration
ED Transportation Coordination Resource
Department of Health and Human Services
Transportation can improve health outcomes by connecting patients to care. HHS increases access to essential services by funding non-emergency medical transportation and other transportation services for eligible beneficiaries.
Relevant Subagencies
- Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
- Administration for Community Living (ACL)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- Indian Health Service
- Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- National Institutes of Health
HHS Transportation Coordination Resources
- ACF provides guidance on the use of Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) funds to meet cost sharing requirements for the Department of Housing and Urban Development McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs: CSBG IM #135 Federal Matching Requirements HUD McKinney-Vento (
- ACF provides guidance on the use of CSBG funds to meet matching requirements for the AmeriCorps program: CSBG IM #139 Federal Matching Requirements AmeriCorps (
- ACL provides guidance on using Older Americans Act Title IIIB Supportive Services Funds to match specific FTA programs.
- CMS provides guidance on the Assurance of Transportation under Medicaid, including a Medicaid Transportation Coverage and Coordination Fact Sheet
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Transportation fosters inclusive communities by connecting individuals and improving access to supportive services. HUD builds strong communities by funding transportation for targeted populations in underserved areas.
Relevant Subagencies
- Office of Community Planning and Development
- Office of Housing
- Office of Policy Development and Research
- Office of Public and Indian Housing
Department of the Interior
Transportation improves American Indians and Alaska Natives’ access to education opportunities. DOI administers programs that provide and fund transportation for American Indian and Alaska Native families.
Relevant Subagencies
Department of Justice
Transportation provides opportunities for people in crisis. DOJ facilitates this assistance by helping people access vital services, reduce violent and drug-related crime, support law enforcement, and combat victimization.
Relevant Subagencies
Department of Labor
Transportation advances opportunities for employment by connecting people to jobs and training services. DOL administers programs that provide transportation to employment services and job training for individuals of low income.
Relevant Subagencies
- Employment and Training Administration
- Office of Disability Employment Policy
- Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs
- Veterans Employment and Training Service
Department of Transportation
Transportation serves a vital national interest by connecting people to their communities. DOT administers grant programs that fund transit services and capital projects that increase access to transportation for all Americans.
Relevant Subagencies
- Federal Highway Administration
- Federal Transit Administration
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Office of the Secretary
DOT Transportation Coordination Resource
Department of Veterans Affairs
Transportation serves America’s veterans and their families by connecting them to the benefits and support they earned through their service. VA both funds and provides this transportation for eligible beneficiaries.
Relevant Subagencies
VA Transportation Coordination Resource
National Council on Disability
Transportation is key to independent living and community engagement for all people, including people with disabilities. NCD advises the federal government regarding disability policies, programs, procedures, and practices that enhance equal opportunity. NCD does not fund transportation for targeted populations.
Relevant Subagencies
Social Security Administration
SSA supports people with disabilities, individuals of low income, and older adults by providing financial protection to these groups and by connecting them to essential services. SSA can enhance federal coordination by providing insight into the broad range of benefits available to CCAM’s targeted populations. SSA does not fund transportation for targeted populations.
Relevant Subagencies