CCAM-Related Resources
The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) coordinates with its members to represent a broad and diverse set of communities, perspectives, disciplines, services, and stakeholders. As a result, the CCAM provides various resources for its members and stakeholders to stay up to date on current issues related to the CCAM’s mission. See below for helpful resources from the CCAM as well as various external materials the CCAM utilizes from the field.
CCAM Resources
- Medicaid Transportation Coverage & Coordination Fact Sheet
- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and FTA created this Medicaid Coordination Fact Sheet to guide transportation coordination between state Medicaid agencies and state departments of transportation.
- 2023 – 2026 CCAM Strategic Plan (2022)
- On October 27, 2022, FTA convened the CCAM, a federal interagency council that coordinates funding and provides expertise on human services transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income, and officially adopted the 2023 - 2026 CCAM Strategic Plan. The plan prioritizes expanding safe access to transit, providing affordable mobility options and sets a framework for collaboration among CCAM grantees at all levels and across jurisdictions.
- CCAM Historic Resources
- Includes historical CCAM resources.
- CCAM Cost-Sharing Policy Statement (2020)
- The CCAM Cost-Sharing Policy Statement provides key transportation cost-sharing information to encourage greater state and local cost sharing. This includes information about vehicle and ride sharing as well as federal fund braiding. Within the vehicle and ride sharing information, the CCAM Cost-Sharing Policy Statement includes 15 principles to guide state and local stakeholders’ equitable allocation of shared costs, including two principles specific to the provision of Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) and four specific to the Veterans Health Administration’s Highly Rural Transportation Grants program, which provides NEMT for veterans living in highly rural areas.
- CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide (2020)
- Federal fund braiding for local match allows grant recipients to use funds from one federal program to meet the match requirements of another. The CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide provides information to potential grantees as well as CCAM agency program managers on acceptable federal fund braiding arrangements on transportation-related projects. The guide defines federal fund braiding for local match and examines whether federal fund braiding is allowable for 61 programs across CCAM agencies that may fund transportation.
- Stay tuned for an updated Federal Fund Braiding Guide in 2024!
- CCAM Program Inventory (2019)
- The CCAM Program Inventory identifies 130 federal programs that can provide funding for human services transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and/or individuals of low income. In 2018 and 2019, CCAM agency representatives determined which programs to include via internal agency program validation efforts and the CCAM Program Analysis Working Sessions. The CCAM Program Inventory includes detailed program information, such as Assistance Listing Numbers (previously CFDA numbers), statutory references, types of recipients and beneficiaries, and eligible transportation activities. The CCAM Program Inventory Summary document, available in PDF and Excel formats, contains limited program details, and is formatted for easy printing.
- Stay tuned for a new and improved CCAM Program Inventory in 2024!
- Mobility Management
- The FTA mobility management webpage provides an overview, funding, and resources that support this innovative approach for managing and delivering coordinated transportation services to customers, including older adults, people with disabilities, and individuals of low income.
- Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL)
- TACL provides a sustainable methodology and platform for access and findability of transportation coordination resources across a diverse range of transportation technical assistance centers and FTA.
- Transportation Coordination
- Coordinated transportation involves multiple entities working together to deliver one or more components of a transportation service so they can increase their capacity to provide trips.
- CCAM Focus Group Report (2018)
- The CCAM Focus Group Report details cumulative findings from the CCAM’s 2018 State and local focus group sessions as well as stakeholder-specific findings relevant to certain subsets of focus group participants.
- CCAM Report to the President (2020)
- The CCAM Report to the President, required by FAST Act Section 3006(c), identifies challenges and barriers to improving access to transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. The Report to the President also outlines activities undertaken by the CCAM to improve coordination across federally funded transportation services.
- Cost Allocation Technology for NEMT Final Report (2020)
- The Cost Allocation Technology for NEMT Final Report discusses the findings of Phase I of the process to develop the CCAM NEMT Cost-Allocation Model. In February 2019, DOT, on behalf of the CCAM, issued a solicitation for a Small Business Innovation Research phase 1 project to develop a cost-allocation proof of concept model for an open-source software application. Phase 2—the development of this allocated cost model for NEMT began on January 5, 2021, and will be finalized in late 2024.
- Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports
- The GAO has published several reports that analyze, comment upon, or make recommendations around the work of the CCAM.
- Other Reports
- Additional reports that were produced in partnership with a CCAM agency and are relevant to the CCAM mission.
- Report to the President: Human Service Transportation Coordination Executive Order 13330 (2005)
- The 2005 CCAM Report to the President: Human Service Transportation Coordination, required by Executive Order 13330, details five Council recommendations and outlined report goals and action items in six areas: education and outreach, consolidated access, regulatory relief, coordinated planning, cost allocation, and useful practices.
- Transportation Research Board (TRB) Reports
- TRB has published several reports that support the work of the CCAM.
Incidental Use Partnerships
This section is currently under development. Please visit the CCAM Historic Resources page for historical examples of incidental use partnerships.
National Transit Database (NTD) Resources
- FTA Guidance Clarification: Coordination with Human Services Organizations and National Transit Database Reporting
- FTA provides guidance clarification to reduce overlap between the 130 federal programs across 9 federal departments that may fund human services transportation and incentivize collaboration by clarifying eligible reporting into the NTD.
- Shared Mobility Services & NTD Reporting
- In 2019, FTA released NTD guidance related to shared mobility services as a clarification in the NTD Reporting Policy Manual.