FTA Program Fact Sheets under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
View or download fact sheets to learn more about how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act supports federal transit programs.
All Stations Accessibility Program *
Provides competitive grants to help eligible applicants upgrade the accessibility of legacy rail systems for people with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs, by increasing the number of existing stations or facilities for passenger use that meet or exceed the new construction standards of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Buses and Bus Facilities Program
Makes funding available to states, designated recipients, and local governmental entities that operate fixed-route bus service to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities. Includes the Low- or No-Emission Vehicle Program, which helps transit agencies purchase or lease low- or no- emission vehicles that use advanced technologies to help improve air quality and combat climate change.
Bus Testing Program
Supports a national bus testing facility to test new bus models for maintainability, reliability, safety, performance, structural integrity, fuel economy, emissions, and noise.
Capital Investment Grants Program
Supports transit capital projects, including new and expanded rapid rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, bus rapid transit, and passenger ferries.
Electric or Low Emitting Ferry Pilot Program *
Provides grants to purchase electric or low-emitting ferries and the electrification of or other reduction of emissions from existing ferries.
Emergency Relief Program
Supports activities for protecting, repairing, and/or replacing equipment and facilities that have suffered damage as a result of an emergency, including natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities
Supports transportation services to meet the special transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities in all areas: large urbanized (200,000 or more in population), small urbanized (50,000-199,999 in population), and rural (under 50,000 in population).
Expedited Project Delivery
Expedites the delivery of new fixed guideway capital projects, small starts projects, or core capacity improvement projects that use public-private partnerships.
Ferry Service for Rural Communities *
Supports states to ensure basic essential ferry service is provided to rural areas.
Innovative Coordinated Access & Mobility
Improves coordination and enhance access and mobility to vital community services for older adults, people with disabilities, and people of low income.
Joint Development Program
Allows FTA grant recipients to use FTA capital grant program funds or FTA-funded real property for joint development.
Metropolitan, Statewide & Non-Metropolitan Planning
Planning programs that provide funding and set procedural requirements for multimodal transportation planning in metropolitan areas and states that result in long- and short-range plans establishing transportation investment priorities.
National Transit Database
Serves as a repository for financial data, operating statistics, safety events, and asset conditions from federally supported transit systems.
Formula Grants for Rural Areas
Provides capital, planning, and operating assistance to states and federally recognized Indian tribes to support public transportation in rural areas with populations less than 50,000, where many residents often rely on public transit to reach their destinations.
Public Transportation Safety Program
Includes a national public transportation safety plan, a safety certification training program, a public transportation agency safety plan, and a State Safety Oversight (SSO) program.
State of Good Repair and Rail Vehicle Replacement Program *
Provides support to transit agencies that operate fixed-guideway and high-intensity bus systems for the maintenance, replacement, and rehabilitation of capital assets. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law added a competitive component for state and local governmental authorities to fund capital projects for the replacement of rail rolling stock.
Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program
Continues without change the technical assistance, standards development, and workforce development programs.
Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning
Provides funding for transit-oriented development planning associated with a transit project for which the project sponsor will seek funding through FTA’s Capital Investment Grants Program.
Transit Asset Management
Enables transit agencies to implement strategic approaches to monitoring, maintaining, and replacing transit assets.
Public Transportation Innovation
Awards funding to advance innovative public transportation research and development.
Urbanized Area Formula Grants
Provides support to urbanized areas and states for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning.
* New program established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act