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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

STOPS – Modifying General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Data


STOPS users are required to represent transit service changes offered by new projects in GTFS format.  STOPS users can embed these service changes in GTFS by: 1) engaging with transit agency schedulers, 2) using commercial software that allows graphical service plan editing and exports schedules in GTFS format, 3) direct editing of the GTFS text files or 4) through FTA’s GTFSEd program, which is designed to allow for graphical editing of GTFS files for the purpose of project evaluation.

FTA’s GTFSEd program was developed to be a free resource to support graphical editing of transit service plans in GTFS format, supporting the successful application of the STOPS program.

Obtaining the GTFSEd Program