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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

STOPS – FTA’s Simplified Trips-on-Project Software

At their option, sponsors of New Starts and Small Starts projects may use a simplified method developed by FTA to quantify the measures used by FTA to evaluate and rate projects. STOPS is a limited implementation of the conventional "4-step" travel model. STOPS replaces the standard trip generation and trip distribution steps with the 2012-2016 tabulations from the American Community Survey (ACS) Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) to describe overall travel markets. It also replaces the traditional coded transit network with standard transit-services data in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format. More detail is available in an overview of STOPS and its component procedures.

Project sponsors who choose to use STOPS will need to:

Data for STOPS calibration and validation included detailed rider surveys from eight metro areas and station-level count data from nine other metro areas. Together, these 15 metro areas have 24 fixed-guideway systems (six commuter rail, one heavy rail, 13 light rail, two bus rapid transit, and two streetcar).

STOPS produces all reporting needed by project sponsors to review its ridership forecasts in detail and to support grant applications to the FTA New Starts and Small Starts programs.

FTA anticipates that the local installation of STOPS and assembly of the required input information will require one to two weeks of effort by a capable travel-forecasting professional. FTA anticipates that preparation of project forecasts will require one additional week for straightforward projects and two to three additional weeks for complex projects.

FTA provides technical assistance to project sponsors using STOPS to prepare project forecasts. After you have read the User Guide, installed the software, and made progress towards producing forecasts for your project, you can contact Jeff Roux ( or 202-366-1806) with questions or with a request for help from an FTA-provided contractor.