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Recipients for Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Awards

State City Project Sponsor Associated Transit Project Amount TOD Project Description
AZ Phoenix City of Phoenix Public Transit Department (Valley Metro) Tempe Streetcar $250,000 Valley Metro, in partnership with the City of Tempe, will receive funding to oversee a two-year pilot program for TOD in the Tempe Streetcar Corridor. The plan includes developing a TOD Overlay District in the city's zoning code that encourages pedestrian-oriented infill development, rehabilitation and redevelopment at appropriate densities, and affordable housing. City goals include expanded mobility, shopping, and housing choices, financial return and value capture, and place-making. The plan will include recommendations for preservation, infill, rehabilitation, redevelopment, use standards, density and design guidelines, collaborative development strategies, land acquisition policies and innovative financial techniques.
CA San Diego San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Mid-Coast Corridor Light Rail Project $429,635 The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) will receive funding to encourage TOD and improve access at stations along its planned Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Light Rail project. SANDAG will develop strategies for implementing mobility hubs – areas around stations where modes of transportation such as walking, ridesharing, biking and transit connect seamlessly. The Mid-Coast Corridor project will extend the city’s existing light rail system nearly 11 miles, connecting to colleges and medical facilities north of downtown.
CA San Francisco to San Jose Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board Caltrain Electrification Project $600,000 The Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board will receive funding to develop tools to plan for TOD and multi-modal access improvements along the Caltrain commuter rail corridor from San Francisco to San Jose, with three station areas selected for more in-depth case studies. The tools will help Caltrain decide, in cooperation with its local partners, how to allocate limited space and funding. Caltrain is planning a project to electrify the existing Caltrain corridor between San Francisco and San Jose. That project is in the project development phase of FTA’s Capital Investment Grants program.
CA Sacramento Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Downtown Riverfront Streetcar $1,118,720 The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) will receive funding to develop a toolkit of policy and regulatory changes to encourage TOD in the areas surrounding the planned Downtown Riverfront Streetcar. The toolkit will include updated plans and guidelines for areas along the streetcar route, development standards, updated zoning codes that encourage TOD, an infrastructure assessment and an analysis of affordable housing. The streetcar, which is the planning and environmental review stages, will run for 3.3 miles connecting West Sacramento and the Midtown District in Sacramento.
CA Oakland Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) Transbay Core Capacity Project $1,100,000 The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) will receive funding to support TOD activities in both San Francisco and Oakland. TOD activities are intended to reinforce BART’s application to FTA’s Core Capacity program for funding to improve access and capacity in the BART system. In Oakland, TOD activities include an analysis of land use and commercial development. In San Francisco, TOD activities include a study of ways to spread peak ridership and innovative methods for financing improvements to transit stations.
CT New Haven Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Commuter Rail Line $700,000 The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will receive funding to advance TOD at four new and two relocated stations proposed for the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Commuter Rail Line. CTDOT will analyze housing and employment opportunity along the entire corridor; examine state and local policies that inhibit TOD; identify strategies and financing mechanisms to encourage TOD; and conduct outreach to residents and developers.
FL Miami South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) Tri-Rail Coastal Link Commuter Rail Line $1,250,000 The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) will receive funding to promote TOD along the Tri-Rail Coastal Link (TRCL), a proposed 85-mile commuter rail line connecting Jupiter and Miami. A market and economic analysis identified billions of dollars in potential station area residential and commercial development spurred by the TRCL. The TOD work will provide the region with suggestions on how to realize that economic potential and increase the livability and quality of life in South Florida. The plan provides comprehensive station area planning for six stations, a corridor-wide infrastructure assessment, a station-area bicycle and pedestrian plan, an affordable housing analysis, and regional business plan. The Southeast Florida Regional Partnership, a consortium of stakeholders, will guide the project.
FL Fort Lauderdale City of Fort Lauderdale Wave Streetcar $1,250,000 The City of Fort Lauderdale is studying TOD for extensions of the Wave Streetcar to other transportation corridors throughout the city and county, in particular the Uptown area, which has strong employment and regional transportation resources. The city is seeking to increase growth-appropriate development, including housing, and create more walkable, livable and inviting neighborhoods. The city and its study partners will catalyze TOD by addressing pedestrian and bike access and connectivity, sustainable urban design and a variety of housing. The work will proceed in alignment with local desires and address regional connectivity, “right sizing parking,” cultural development and place-making. To promote transit, TOD will focus on connectivity to other modes. As part of this effort, the city will partner with county, regional, state and private transportation providers.
GA Atlanta Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) I-20 East Heavy Rail Transit Extension $1,600,000 The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) will receive funding to create a strategic plan for Transit Oriented Development in Atlanta’s I-20 East Corridor. The plan will support the 12-mile rail extension project in DeKalb County with a strategy for economic development and benefits for communities served by the rail extension. Those benefits will help make communities in the corridor more livable, walkable and transit-friendly. The plan also will examine how new rail transit service can link jobs to anchor institutions and analyze potential for market growth and redevelopment. Partners include DeKalb County Department of Planning & Sustainability, the DeKalb County Development Authority and MARTA staff.
GA Atlanta City of Atlanta Atlanta BeltLine $500,000 The City of Atlanta will receive funding to implement its BeltLine Transit Supportive Land Use Implementation Plan, a strategic outline of actions to be implemented along 16 miles of the streetcar corridor. A comprehensive urban mobility and redevelopment initiative, the Atlanta BeltLine repurposes an underutilized railroad corridor into a multimodal transportation facility and economic development engine circling downtown Atlanta and connecting more than 45 communities. The BeltLine and connected Atlanta streetcar network is expected to attract a greater proportion of the region’s growth along the corridor, helping improve mobility and changing the pattern of regional sprawl. The Transit Supportive Land Use Implementation Plan will include TOD zoning as well as innovative tools and policies to encourage TOD implementation and affordable housing creation.
IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority Red and Purple Line Modernization Project - Phase One $1,250,000 The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) will receive funding to develop a TOD plan in conjunction with reconstruction and capacity expansion along the Red and Purple Line corridor on the north side of Chicago. The Red and Purple Line Modernization Phase One project involves building a grade-separated bypass track, reconstructing and expanding right of way and four stations and upgrading signals in the corridor. CTA’s TOD plan for that corridor includes conducting a market analysis of stations in the corridor, creating site-specific development plans and conducting public involvement efforts to identify land use and development options.
IN Lake County Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD) West Lake Extension $300,000 The Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD) will receive funding to conduct TOD planning activities for proposed stations along the planned West Lake extension of the South Shore Railroad, a proposed 9-mile extension from Hammond to Dyer. TOD planning activities include developing station-area plans that incorporate TOD best practices of mixed uses, increased densities and balanced parking requirements; studying regulatory codes and guidelines needed to implement TOD such as zoning ordinances, design guidelines and parking requirements; developing multi-modal connectivity plans; and encouraging private sector involvement in TOD projects.
MI Lansing Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) Michigan/Grand River Avenue Corridor Bus Rapid Transit $1,250,000 The Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) will receive funding to work with local jurisdictions, developers and residents to develop new land-use plans for the Michigan/Grand River Avenue corridor, where a bus rapid transit (BRT) system is being planned. CATA is conducting an environmental analysis of the planned 8.5-mile BRT line, which would connect downtown Lansing to Meridian Township. The new land-use plans would focus on such TOD principles as maintaining local character; emphasizing mixed-use development; addressing the relationship between buildings, vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists; and establishing common design elements along the corridor.
MI Detroit Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) Woodward Avenue Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) $250,000 The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) will receive funding to plan for TOD around the Southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority’s planned BRT along Woodward Avenue. TOD efforts include creating a plan that communities will use to guide development around transit facilities. The TOD effort also includes formulating strategies for economic growth and assessing development opportunities in the corridor, as well as evaluating the use of mixed income housing and public private partnerships. Outreach to the businesses, developers and the public is planned. SEMCOG and the transit authority are planning the BRT for a 27-mile corridor along Woodward Avenue from downtown Detroit to Pontiac.
MN Twin Cities Metropolitan Council Gateway Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) $1,000,000 The Metropolitan Council will receive funding to prepare a TOD plan for stations along the Gateway Corridor Bus Rapid Transit project, a 12-mile BRT line between Saint Paul and Woodbury. The TOD plan will include public engagement plans; an analysis of housing and employment in the corridor; and plans for infrastructure, circulation and land use. The BRT line is in the planning stages and undergoing an environmental analysis.
NC Durham GoTriangle (formerly Triangle Transit) Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit $1,691,615 GoTriangle (formerly Triangle Transit) will receive funding to support its efforts to implement TOD along the Durham-Orange Light Rail project, a light rail line that the agency is developing between Durham and Chapel Hill. GoTriangle’s TOD efforts include educating the community about the benefits of TOD, conducting an economic analysis of the corridor and each station area, developing affordable housing strategies and creating a joint development policy.
NM Albuquerque City of Albuquerque Central Avenue Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) $860,000 The City of Albuquerque will receive funding to support TOD planning for the Central Avenue corridor, where the city is planning a bus rapid transit system. TOD planning along the corridor is part of a larger effort to update the city's comprehensive plan. Updates will include zoning changes, development incentives for TOD development, and standards to enable mixed-use development and increase allowable densities within the corridor.
NY Buffalo Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) Amherst-Buffalo Corridor Transit Options $640,765 The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) will receive funding to plan for TOD in a corridor between Buffalo and Amherst, where NFTA is studying improved transit options such as light rail. TOD planning efforts include educating the public and other stakeholders on TOD benefits and collecting their input on the TOD plan; developing policy, regulatory and financial tools to encourage TOD in the corridor; analyzing housing, education, employment and land use in the corridor; and establishing performance measures for the TOD plan.
PA Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh Uptown Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) $1,200,000 The Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh will receive funding to encourage TOD along a corridor connecting downtown Pittsburgh to neighborhoods on the east side of the city. The redevelopment authority, along with the Port Authority of Allegheny County and local partners, has begun initial planning and environmental review of a BRT project proposed for the corridor. TOD planning efforts include conducting outreach to stakeholders to guide TOD planning; evaluating the potential for TOD in the corridor; and studying new methods to finance infrastructure and transit improvements in the corridor.
UT Provo Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Provo-Orem Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) $250,500 The Utah Transit Authority (UTA) will receive funding to develop the Bus Rapid Transit TOD Analysis and Implementation Plan, a collaborative effort by Utah Transit Authority, Mountainland Association of Governments, Utah Department of Transportation and the cities of Provo and Orem to develop a better understanding of current land use, markets, housing, and essential service conditions along the corridor and form strategies to promote and implement equitable TOD. Analysis and planning will take place within a half-mile the Provo/Orem BRT project, with in-depth market analysis at the South Downtown Provo Community Development, the University Mall, and the Orem Intermodal Hub/Utah Valley University, where Provo & Orem are pursuing redevelopment opportunities. The plan will highlight barriers that inhibit TOD in the corridor and identify a “top five” project list to improve pedestrian and bicycle access.
WA Tacoma Sound Transit Tacoma Link Light Rail Expansion $2,000,000 Sound Transit, in partnership with the City of Tacoma, will receive funding to support its mobility and economic development plan for communities along the proposed Tacoma Link Expansion, a 2.4-mile, 6-station extension of the Tacoma Link light rail line. The mobility and economic development plan includes street design for new stations that improves connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders. The plan also would focus on expanding access to jobs and job training in an economically disadvantaged area along the extended rail line.
Funding Total $19,491,235