Public Transportation COVID-19 Research Demonstration Grant Program

What's New
On January 19, 2021, FTA announced that 37 projects in 35 states and one territory will receive a share of approximately $15.8 million in funding. Grant recipients will receive a share of $15.8 million to support strategies that develop, deploy and demonstrate solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies and enhance rider mobility during the COVID–19 public health emergency. View the project selections.
The COVID-19 public health emergency has had a significant impact on transit operations. During a series of FTA listening sessions, transit agencies asked FTA to support research to identify solutions to address the operational challenges that they are facing as a result of COVID-19. In response, FTA announced a new $10 million FY 2020 Public Transportation COVID-19 Research Demonstration Grant Program. An additional $5.8 million in research funding was added to the program to maximize the number of states that could participate Nationwide, transit agencies are increasing the availability of service. The research and demonstration program will help evaluate, assess the efficacy, and promote promising innovative transit solutions that address challenges transit agencies are facing with the COVID-19 public health emergency.
The COVID-19 Research Demonstration Grant Program supports strategies to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies and enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the COVID-19 public health emergency. This new program has a specific focus on the following areas:
- vehicle, facility, equipment and infrastructure cleaning and disinfection
- exposure mitigation measures
- innovative mobility such as contactless payments
- measures that strengthen public confidence in transit services
Selected Projects
FTA issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the COVID-19 Research Demonstration Grant Program in the fall of 2020. In response to the NOFO, FTA received 104 eligible project proposals totaling approximately $63.4 million.
On January 19, 2021, the FTA announced approximately $15.8 million in grant selections through the COVID-19 Research Demonstration Grant Program.
Statutory References
49 U.S.C. Section 5312
Allocation of Funding
The Public Transportation COVID-19 Research Demonstration Program projects are funded under FTA’s Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment program authority.