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First Obligation Deadline

ARRA (Federal Register, Volume 74, No. 42, March 5, 2009 (PDF) and (Federal Register, Volume 74, No. 42, March 5, 2009 (HTML) included apportionment tables for the $5.4 billion provided to urbanized areas through the Section 5307 program; $765.8 million provided to 54 States and territories for non-urbanized areas through the Section 5311 program; and $742.5 million provided to urbanized areas through the Section 5309 Fixed Guideway Modernization program. Fifty percent of each of these apportionments were required to be obligated by September 1, 2009, to avoid losing the balance of that amount remaining unobligated. 

All areas made that deadline so no funds were made available for reallocation. The balance of the initial apportionment must be obligated by March 5, 2010. Many areas have already obligated all the funds apportioned to them. All funds, including balances withdrawn from areas that did not meet the obligation deadlines and redistributed to other areas that met the deadlines and flexible fund transfers, must be obligated by September 30, 2010. Once obligated, funds must be disbursed by September 30, 2015. Any balances remaining after that date will revert to the U.S. Treasury.