ARRA/TIGER Logo Guidance for FTA Grantees
Are FTA grantees required to display any special signs or logos to identify ARRA funded projects?
No. However, FTA grantees are strongly encouraged to use the two logos unveiled on March 3, 2009, by President Obama that were designed to identify all Recovery Act projects approved and funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The first logo represents Recovery.Gov and for purposes of transparency and accountability will be used government wide to show the public where their tax dollars are working to promote economic recovery and reinvestment in the nation’s infrastructure. The second logo is specific to the US DOT and includes the word TIGER, which stands for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery. FTA has made available high resolution images suitable for reproduction for grantees to download to produce signs or decals to display on FTA funded ARRA projects.
FTA strongly encourages grantees to prominently display both logos described above on all projects funded by the ARRA. Given the wide variability of transit projects, FTA does not specify a particular size or format of sign, but provides the following guidelines:
- Signs should be designed to maximize visibility of the logos and minimize any accompanying text.
- Minimal text may be included on the sign, for example, “This Project funded by” preceding the logos, or “This Station Improvement…” or “This Bus…,” etc. as appropriate, but text is not required.
- The Recovery.Gov logo should be larger than the TIGER logo.
- Because the TIGER logo was designed to identify US DOT ARRA projects, it is not necessary to display the standard DOT triscalion seal in combination with the TIGER logo.
- It is not necessary to display the standard FTA mark in combination with the TIGER logo.
- Grantees may adapt placement of the logos and may design signs to be suitable to the specific project on which they are displayed, but may not alter the design and colors of the logos themselves.
- Signs at construction projects, for example facilities, should be placed where they are visible to passersby and to customers approaching the site.
- Revenue service vehicles may be identified by a decal and/or bumper sticker visible to the public and to boarding passengers.
- FTA understands that the useful life of a bumper sticker or decal may be less than the useful life of the vehicle to which it is attached, while a costly new facility funded by ARRA might merit a more durable permanent sign.
- If a construction project involves roadways, grantees should use the guidance for road signs disseminated by the FHWA division offices.
- Safety concerns should be taken into consideration in the placement of signs, so as not to obscure traffic control signs, for example, or create a hazard.
- Grantees may use the Recovery.Gov and TIGER logos on paper documents and websites related to ARRA funded projects, for example bid documents and website postings of contract awards.
- The cost of producing and displaying the logos is an eligible project administration cost in FTA ARRA grants.
* To save file to your computer, right-click the underlined file and select "Save Target As".
For technical support related to downloading logo images, please email: Webmaster, FTA.