Competitive Funding Opportunity: Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) National Technical Assistance Center – 2024 NOFO
Grant Program:
FTA-Sponsored Technical Assistance, Training, and Research Resource Programs
Details: 07/01/2024. Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): Solicitation of Project Proposals for the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) National Technical Assistance Center (CCAM TA Center). The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of $2.5 million of Fiscal Year 2023 and 2024 funds to establish a CCAM TA Center that supports CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and stakeholders in improving transportation access for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. Synopses and full announcement are posted on site as opportunity FTA-2024-011-TPM-CCAM. Proposals must be submitted electronically through website by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on 08/30/2024.
Summary: The main purpose of the CCAM TA Center is to promote and facilitate human services transportation, public transit, and non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) coordination that advances people's access to everyday destinations.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are national nonprofit organizations with a demonstrated capacity to advance technical assistance strategies that support CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and stakeholders. Lead applicants may partner with one or more other eligible applicants that participate in the CCAM TA Center as subrecipients. Individuals and for-profit entities are ineligible to apply for this funding.
Link and Instructions for submitting the required components: All applicants must complete an SF-424 and attach the required components outlined in the NOFO to their submission in GRANTS.GOV.
Dates: An applicant must submit a proposal electronically by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on 08/30/2024. Any agency intending to apply should initiate the process of registering on the GRANTS.GOV site immediately to ensure completion of registration before the submission deadline.
Additional Information: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Section D.2.c. of the Notice of Funding Opportunity describes the required project narrative and qualifications, and states that this section should not exceed 10 pages. Our submission is required to be double spaced in 12-point font. The second ix.(4) under Section D.2.c of the NOFO refers to one page biographical sketch of each key staff person. Are those biographical sketches included in the 10-page limit, and do they need to follow the same double-spaced, 12-point font format?
A: The one page biographical sketch for each key staff person is in addition to the ten page requirement for the project narrative and qualifications referenced on pg. 54632, section 2.c.ix.4 of the NOFO. The sketch should not exceed one page for each key staff person. It does not have to follow the format of the other narrative sections (double-spaced, 12-point in size, in Times New Roman) but should be easily readable.
For Further Information Contact: For information on this RFP for the CCAM TA Center, contact Lynn Winchell-Mendy, TPM Office of Rural and Targeted Programs, 202-366-3239.