Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program FY 2023 Notice of Funding
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Competitive Program
Details: Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): Solicitation of Project Proposals for the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program. Synopsis and full announcement are posted on as opportunity FTA-2023-010-TPM-Tribal Proposals must be submitted electronically through by 11:59 PM ET on June 26, 2023.
Summary: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the opportunity to apply for $8.9 million in competitive grants for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Public Transportation on Indian Reservations (Tribal Transit) Program. As required by Federal public transportation law, funds will be awarded competitively for any purpose eligible under FTA’s Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program, including planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services in rural areas. FTA may award additional funding that is made available to the program prior to the announcement of project selections.
Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants include federally recognized Indian Tribes or Alaska Native villages, groups, or communities as identified by the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). To be an eligible recipient, an Indian Tribe must have the requisite legal, financial, and technical capabilities to receive and administer Federal funds under this program. Additionally, applicants must provide transit service in a rural area with a population of less than 50,000. A service area can include some portions of urban areas, as long as rural areas are also served. Applicants must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database and maintain an active SAM registration with current information while it has an active federal award, application or plan under consideration by FTA.
Link and Instructions for attaching the supplemental form to the SF-424: A complete proposal submission will consist of at least two files: (1) the SF 424 Mandatory Form and (2) the Tribal Transit Program FY 2023 supplemental form. The Tribal Transit supplemental form provides guidance and a consistent format for applicants to respond to the criteria outlined in this NOFO. Once completed, the applicant must place the supplemental form in the attachments section of the SF-424 Mandatory form. Applicants must use the supplemental form designated for the Tribal Transit Program and attach the form to their submission in to complete the application process. A proposal submission may contain additional supporting documentation as attachments.
Dates: An applicant must submit a proposal electronically by 11:59 PM ET on June 26, 2023. Any agency intending to apply should initiate the process of registering on the Grants.GOV site immediately to ensure completion of registration before the submission deadline.
For Further Information Contact: For information on this NOFO for Tribal Transit Program, contact Elan Flippin, Office of Program Management, 202-366-3800, or