FTA Dear Colleague on DBE
7/11/2014: Departmental Civil Rights Director Camille Hazeur’s Memorandum [Hazeur's signed memorandum (PDF)]
3/22/2011: FTA Deputy Administrator Therese McMillan’s Letter [below]
1/3/2011: FTA Civil Rights Director Cheryl Hershey’s Letter [Hershey's signed letter (PDF)]
5/7/2010: FTA Administrator Peter Rogoff's Letter [Rogoff's signed letter (PDF)]
5/6/2010: Deputy Secretary John Porcari's Letter [Pocari's signed letter (PDF)]
FTA Deputy Administrator Therese McMillan’s Letter
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
March 22, 2011
Dear Colleague:
FTA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) reporting is going GREEN!! Several weeks ago, you were contacted by the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Office of Civil Rights regarding the new TEAM-based DBE reporting module, and asked you to begin reporting your organization’s DBE participation on FTA-assisted projects in the system. Many of FTA’s recipients chose to use the system for the January American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) DBE reporting period; we thank those new users, and hope you found the system to be an easier, more efficient way to submit your DBE information.
With the next ARRA reporting deadline fast approaching (April 10, 2011), I am writing to say that FTA will no longer accept paper DBE reports for either ARRA DBE quarterly reports or DBE semi-annual reports. FTA believes the new online reporting system will not only make reporting DBE information simpler and faster for our recipients, but will also assist us in providing more timely and meaningful technical assistance. We appreciate your cooperation and efforts in assisting us to meet that objective. If you have not already identified and established a DBE Reporting user in TEAM, please contact your TEAM Local Security Manager as soon as possible for assistance in setting up an appropriate account.
As always, FTA stands ready to assist you in this important effort to simplify and modernize our reporting systems. If we can provide further information or assistance, please feel free to contact your Regional FTA Civil Rights Officer or FTA’s ARRA Technical Assistance e-mail at FTA.ARRACivilRightsreq@dot.gov.
Therese McMillan
Deputy Administrator