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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Transit and Sustainability

Public transportation plays an important role in enhancing the quality of life including:

  • Helping metropolitan areas meet national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) by reducing overall vehicle emissions and the pollutants that create smog
  • Facilitating compact development, conserving land and decreasing travel demand
  • Reducing the need for constructing more roads, meaning less runoff from impervious surfaces that may degrade water resources
  • Reducing fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Providing critical services that connect all members of the community with jobs, healthcare, school and other opportunities. 

Envision Sustainability Professionals

In support of expanding transit agency knowledge of environmentally sustainable project development practices that reduce the impacts of climate change, FTA and the National Transit Institute (NTI) partnered with the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) to provide 50 scholarships to public agency professionals to become certified Envision Sustainability Professionals (ENV SP).

Environmental and Sustainability Management Systems

FTA encourages project sponsors to minimize the impact of their operations and construction through sound practices. An Environmental and Sustainability Management System (ESMS) is a set of processes and practices that enables an organization to analyze, control, and reduce environmental impacts, and to reduce the number, type, and severity of compliance incidents.

Sustainability Resources

Contact your FTA Regional Office to confirm the status of content or funding opportunities listed in the resources below.  

Reports, Factsheets, and Case Studies

Transit Cooperative Research Program – Sustainability-Related Projects: