FTA Special Directive 22-1
The FTA issues Special Directive 22-1, Notice No. 1, to require the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to address required actions, Corrective Actions, and concerns identified through allegations of noncompliance brought to GDOT and FTA regarding the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority's (MARTA) implementation of its Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan and GDOT's oversight capabilities. This Special Directive mandates that GDOT: (1) Ensure that MARTA completes the Corrective Actions associated with findings identified in GDOT's May 21, 2021, Allegations of Noncompliance Investigation Report of MARTA; (2) complete the two September 2021, Allegations of Noncompliance Investigations of MARTA, issue reports, and complete any Corrective Actions associated with findings; and (3) conduct an assessment of GDOT and MARTA policies and procedures and provide evidence that the GDOT Commissioner's position as an ex officio member of MARTA's Board of Directors and Operations and Safety Committee has not posed-and will not pose a conflict of interest affecting GDOT's safety oversight of MARTA. These actions should be completed within 180 days of the issuance of this directive.