State Safety Oversight Reporting Tool
The State Safety Oversight Reporting (SSOR) system is a web-based tool for State Safety Oversight Agencies to submit their annual report requirements to FTA. This system replaces the Excel-based method that was used for safety data submissions since 2007. The SSOR tool will ensure compliance with 49 C.F.R. Part 674.39, which states that safety data "must be submitted electronically through a reporting system specified by FTA." The SSOR may also be used in an ongoing manner for entering, tracking, and submitting state safety oversight and transit safety data.
Annual reports are due to FTA by March 15 each year. All SSOAs are required to submit their annual reports to FTA using the SSOR tool. Those reports will cover the previous year’s reporting requirements. Users must have a FACES account to access the tool.
State Safety Oversight Reporting (SSOR) Refresher Training Webinar
Presentation | Recording | SSOR Refresher Training Webinar FAQs
State Safety Oversight Reporting (SSOR) Refresher Training Webinar
Presentation | Recording | SSOR Refresher Training Webinar FAQs