Bus Testing Resources and Links
- Bus Testing Reports: Bus Testing Database
- Bus Testing Statute (Law): 49 U.S.C. 5318
- Bus Testing Regulation: 49 CFR Part 665
- Bus Testing Regulation (regulatory text only in eCFR )
- 2016 Bus Testing Final Rule (Federal Register notice including regulatory text, regulatory background, and section-by-section analysis)
- Bus Testing Portal
- FTA Bus Testing Contact Information
- Altoona Bus Testing and Research Center
- Uniform Administrative Requirements
- FTA Safety Regulations and Guidance
- Transit Asset Management
- FTA Circulars
- FTA DBE/ADA information (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/Americans with Disabilities Act)
- FTA Buy America information
- FTA Grants and Financing Information
- Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and Regulations
- American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines (“White Book”)
Last updated: Tuesday, April 12, 2022