National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects
The following documents provide guidance and information to support compliance with the Final Rule.
- ITS Architecture Final Rule (PDF) – This purpose of this document is to issue a final rule to implement section 5206(e) of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA–21), enacted on June 9, 1998, which required Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects funded through the highway trust fund to conform to the National ITS Architecture and applicable standards.
- Federal Transit Administration (FTA) ITS Policy (PDF) – This document contains comments received on the Final Rule
- Dear Colleague Letter (MS Word) – FTA’s introduction to the National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects – Additional Grantee Guidance
- National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects--Additional Grantee Guidance (PDF) – Guidance document for grantees pursuing ITS projects with federal funds.
Last updated: Monday, December 7, 2015